Thai Pineapple Fried Rice 泰式菠蘿炒飯
One of the most classic and popular Thai cuisine – Pineapple fried rice. Almost every time when I go to Thai restaurant, I have to order this fried rice dish. I know, fried rice is easy to make and you can always order take away. But with pineapple, everything just taste fresher and tastier.
I love how the pineapple fried rice look inside the half pineapple. They are just lovely! Very simple ingredients plus fresh pineapple, sweet, refreshing and super delicious. Less than 30 minutes and you will have a great taste of Thailand!
每次到泰國餐廳都喜歡點這個超美味的菠蘿炒飯。 但究竟。。。那個菠蘿碗會重用嗎?
Cut pineapple into half, take the pineapple out and set aside.
Add oil in hot pan, cook the egg, set aside. Then cook the shrimps until pink (season with salt and white pepper) Set aside.
Add little bit more oil, cook the bell pepper, green peas. Add in rice and cook for two minutes.
Add all the seasoning, mix well. Then add in eggs, shrimps, cashew, pineapple and raisin, mix well and enjoy!

- 2-3 bowls rice
- 1 pineapple
- 2 eggs
- 6 shrimps
- 1/2 tomato
- few green peas
- few raisins
- few cashew
- spring onion
- 2 tbsp curry powder
- 1 tbsp fish sauce
- 2 tbsp soy sauce
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 tsp sugar
- 2-3 碗 白飯
- 1 個 菠蘿
- 2 隻 雞蛋
- 6 隻 鮮蝦
- 1/2 個 蕃茄
- 適量 青豆
- 適量 提子乾
- 適量 腰果
- 適量 蔥花
- 2 湯匙 咖喱粉
- 1 湯匙 魚露
- 2 湯匙 生抽
- 半 茶匙 鹽
- 1 茶匙 糖
Cut pineapple into half, take the pineapple out and set aside.
Add oil in hot pan, cook the egg, set aside. Then cook the shrimps until pink (season with salt and white pepper) Set aside.
Add little bit more oil, cook the bell pepper, green peas. Add in rice and cook for two minutes.
Add all the seasoning, mix well. Then add in eggs, shrimps, cashew, pineapple and raisin, mix well and enjoy!
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