Thai Fish Cakes 泰式魚餅
Few weeks ago Mr P and I went to a local Thai restaurant (in UK), the food is ok even cooked by Thai but it is just not as good nor as authentic. So I just have to make it myself, turn out, it is super easy to make and I made a lot of it. AND they are very delicious!!!
You can use any ”firm” white fish meat, I use frozen Bassa. Adjust the seasoning yourself as different brand of red curry paste will be different. You can even keep it in freezer then reheat it before you enjoy it!

幾個星期前跟Mr P 去了家附近的泰式餐廳,是泰國人主理,但味道。。。就是英國人口味。回家就決定要自己做,果然,自己做是更好味的!
材料非常簡單,我用超市買的急凍Bassa 魚,加入現成的泰式紅咖哩醬就做到!一次做了很多,放些入冰箱,想吃時加熱便可!

Cut the fish into small pieces, pat dry. Then put the fish, red curry paste, egg in food processor. Whizzed until fish turn into paste.
In a large bowl, add in fish paste, green beans, sugar, kaffir lime leaves and lime juice. Mix well.
Take out a small portion then make a patty (wet your hands with water, it will help from sticking)
Deep fry it in hot oil or pan fry it until golden (around 2 minutes). Serve it with Thai chilli sauce. Enjoy!
將魚切小塊,吸乾水份. 將魚塊、泰式紅咖哩醬和雞蛋放入食物處理器。打至魚塊成魚漿。

- 500 g Bassa / White Fish Fillet 魚肉
- 2-3 tbsp Red Curry Paste 紅咖哩醬
- 1 Egg 雞蛋
- 1 tbsp Lime Juice 青檸汁
- Kaffir Lime Leaves 檸檬葉
- 6 Green Beans (chopped) 青豆
- Sugar 糖
Cut the fish into small pieces, pat dry. Then put the fish, red curry paste, egg in food processor. Whizzed until fish turn into paste.
n a large bowl, add in fish paste, green beans, kaffir lime leaves and lime juice. Mix well.
Take out a small portion then make a patty (wet your hands with water, it will help from sticking)
Deep fry it in hot oil or pan fry it until golden (around 2 minutes). Serve it with Thai chilli sauce. Enjoy!