Teriyaki Meat Balls 日式照燒汁肉丸
Everyone loves meat balls right? Besides Italian meat balls with tomato sauce, you can always make meatballs with all kind of sauce.
These meatballs are so juicy with very delicious teriyaki sauce. This time I bake it instead of pan-fry it, which use less oil and healthier. They are perfect for party or lunch box. 

Mix all ingredients in a big bowl, season with salt and pepper. Take out a small portion of meat, roll into balls then place on the rack on top of baking tray.
Pop in preheated oven at 200C, bake for about 20 minutes. Or you can pan-fry it too.
For the teriyaki sauce, add all the sauce seasoning (except corn starch) in a pan, cook under medium heat until boil. Then add corn starch mix with some water, to thicken the sauce.
將所有材料放入大碗內拌勻,下鹽、生抽和黑胡椒粉拌勻。拿出一小份肉,搓圓,將丸子放在架上。放入已預熱200度C焗爐,烤約20分鐘 (也可用平底鑊煎)

Teriyaki Meat Balls
Prep Time
15 mins
Cook Time
20 mins
Total Time
35 mins
Servings: 4
- 300 g minced beef
- 1 egg
- 30 g breadcrumbs
- 1 tbsp minced garlic
- 1 tsp minced ginger
- spring onions
Teriyaki Sauce
- 40 ml soy sauce
- 2 tsp sugar
- 1 tbsp honey
- 2 tsp corn starch
- 30 ml water
- 300 克 免治牛肉
- 1 隻 雞蛋
- 30 克 麵包糠
- 1 湯匙 蒜蓉
- 1 茶匙 薑蓉
- 青蔥
- 40 毫升 生抽
- 2 茶匙 糖
- 1 湯匙 蜜糖
- 2 茶匙 生粉
- 30 毫升 水
Mix all ingredients in a big bowl, season with salt and pepper. Take out a small portion of meat, roll into balls then place on the rack on top of baking tray.
Pop in preheated oven at 200C, bake for about 20 minutes. Or you can pan-fry it too.
For the teriyaki sauce, add all the sauce seasoning (except corn starch) in a pan, cook under medium heat until boil. Then add corn starch mix with some water, to thicken the sauce.
Add all the meatballs into the pan and mix well. Enjoy!
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Teriyaki Meat Balls
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