Tarte Soleli with Pesto 青醬太陽酥
How lovely is this tarte looks! This ” tart of sun” is just perfect for summer. Golden & crispy tart with pesto filling, very fresh and delicious appetizer/ party food.
It is super easy to make, with puff pastry and you can add any filling. Jam, nutella would be nice for sweet version. Enjoy!
這個非常吸睛的青醬太陽酥,超簡單易做,大大個太陽,非常適合夏天!HAHA 材料是急凍酥皮+青醬,如果想做甜的版本,可改用果醬或 Nutella. 金黃酥脆,零難度,超好味!最適合做前菜或派對小吃!

Cut the puff pasty into half and cut two circles. (If you wanna make bigger one, use two sheets of puff pastry) Spread the pesto on one puff pastry, then cover it with another pastry.
Place a cup in the middle, then slice it around it. Twist each ray two times, then lay flat. Brush beaten egg on top, spring some sesame seeds on top. Pop in preheated oven at 200C, bake for 22 to 24 minutes or until crispy.

將酥皮分成一半,再切成兩個圓形. 在一個圓形塗上青醬,然後再蓋上另一塊酥皮在上面
在中間放一個圓形,再在周邊切邊. 每一條邊都扭兩次,再在上面塗上蛋液,在中間灑上白芝麻。放入已預熱200度C焗爐,焗約22至24分鐘,金黃色即成!

- 2 pieces Puff Pastry
- Pesto
- Beaten Egg
- Sesame Seeds
Cut the puff pasty into half and cut two circles. (If you wanna make bigger one, use two sheets of puff pastry) Spread the pesto on one puff pastry, then cover it with another pastry.
Place a cup in the middle, then slice it around it. Twist each ray two times, then lay flat. Brush beaten egg on top, spring some sesame seeds on top. Pop in preheated oven at 200C, bake for 22 to 24 minutes or until crispy.
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