Super Easy Fruit Crumble 傳統英式水果金寶

It is winter in UK now, so it is crumble time! Crumble is the dessert I love to make most, it is just too easy to make and you can use any kind of fruit. Berries, apples, peaches… fruit make the dessert a bit healthier right?! 😉

This crumble recipe is so simple, no fuss and everyone can make it. Put whatever fruit you fancy, then topped with crumble. Bake and serve with warm custard…mmmm…so delicious! Hope you like it!

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Apricot Jam Mini Cake 黃梅花籃 (黃梅果醬小蛋糕)

Who like the classic Hong Kong bakery’s mini cake 西餅?When I was kid, I always love those mini cakes with different shape, very colourful and delicious. This apricot jam mini cake is my favourite, I love to lick the jam first then eat the cake haha.

The original cake use sponge cake with whipped cream, but I prefer and use butter cream instead. You can definitely use whipped cream and different favour of jam. Simple but delicious cake, try and hope you enjoy it!

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Salted Caramel Cheesecake 海鹽焦糖芝士蛋糕

Hi caramel lovers! Yes caramel snack recipe again! Who doesn’t love caramel right? This time I make the mini version caramel cheesecake with caramel topping of course.

Homemade caramel sauce is so easy to make, you can add it in popcorn, ice-cream, cake…anything really. This cheesecake is caramel flavour, very rich and indulgent. Hope you love it!

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Salted Caramel Sauce 海鹽焦糖漿

Calling all caramel lovers out there!!!!! Personally I love caramel more than chocolate sauce. After making the caramel cake for my friend’s birthday, I am in a caramel zone. Everything has to add little bit caramel in it! 😀

It is still hard to believe how easy to make caramel sauce by yourself. Sugar and water, then some cream and butter, how simple is that! It is a perfect, super quick and easy recipe that you need, store the caramel in the fridge and you can always have it! Enjoy!

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Super Easy Caramel Popcorn 超簡單焦糖爆谷

Seriously, popcorn is one of the best, easy to make, cheap and low calories ( if just add salt) snack on earth. When you see the fancy, delicious popcorn that sell in store, yes they might look fancy but also very expensive. You can easily make it at home instead, is slightly healthier, so much cheaper and can adjust the sugar according to your taste.

This is my favourite recipe, to add little bit baking soda at the end, make the caramel a little bit honeycomb flavour, and why not?! It is perfect for party, decorating cake or snack for movie night. Enjoy!

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Mango Yogurt Pudding 芒果乳酪布甸

Mango season is here! It is perfect time to make some mango dessert! This is super easy to make mango pudding dessert, add some yogurt to make it healthier (of course!) and creamier.

Super super easy to make, then gelatine will do the trick! Perfect dessert for summer! Enjoy!

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Minced Ginger & Scallion Dipping Sauce 薑蔥蓉沾醬

Every time when I back to Hong Kong, I must have steamed chicken and Char Sui (PPQ Pork). However, what make me excited is not about the chicken, but the dipping sauce. It is a very simple sauce with minced ginger, scallion and oil. It is soooooo delicious, once you try it, you will love it.

Mr P always ask me to make this sauce, even in UK, we don’t have the ”yellow skin” chicken but this sauce go with roasted chicken. And also perfect just with plain rice.

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Easy Raisin Oatmeal Cookies 葡萄燕麥餅乾

Raisin Oatmeal cookies – classic cookies at all time. For me, everything add in some oatmeal is healthier and give me more reasons (or excuses) to eat more 😉

I love these raisin oatmeal cookies, chewy and full of flavour. It is very easy to make, and I love to add some cranberries in it too! Make more and you can keep in air-tight container, it will last for 2 weeks. (but only if you can keep it this long time!) Enjoy!

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Easy Tiramisu Recipe: Authentic Italian Dessert 意大利提拉米蘇

Classic Italian dessert – Tiramisu (pick me up) is so true, we all need a little bit pick-me up sometimes, or always 😉 When in Roma, I always have THE

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Korean Pan-fried Tofu 韓式豆腐

Tofu is very healthy, well everyone knows! They are cheap and very delicious! You can fry them, make soup, cook classic Chinese dish. This Korean style pan-fried tofu is so yummy, golden and crispy on the outside, soft in the inside. With the super simple but delicious sauce, seriously, I can eat the whole box of tofu!

It is perfect to serve with plain rice or even for a snack with beer. Enjoy!

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