Korean Street Food Sandwich 韓式街頭三文治
Very popular Korean street food sandwich, yes, it is just normal sandwich with two slices of bread, ham, cheese…BUT it is not only like this. To make this sandwich special, there is a omelette with lots of vegetables like cabbage, onion, carrot ….of course you can be creative and add spring onion, zucchini or whatever veggie you have at home. And most important thing is, sprinkle sugar on toasted bread…it might sound strange but it is super yummy!
Bircher Muesli 什錦果乾燕麥
Nothing better than having a good healthy breakfast to start your day! I love to make overnight oats or chia seed pudding for breakfast, it is super easy to make and just prepare it a night before and it is HEALTHY! YAY!
English Pancakes 英式鬆餅 (可麗餅)
Classic English Pancake, similar to French crepe, fluffy and delicious. Simply drizzle lemon juice on top and sprinkle with sugar, perfect pancakes for everyone.
Healthy Overnight Oats 健康隔夜燕麥
Simple, healthy and delicious overnight oats that takes 5 minutes to make. Refrigerate for overnight, next morning, you will have delicious oats porridge.
Healthy Smoothie Bowl 水果奶昔
Healthy smoothie bowl that you can see all over social media, very colourful and looks delicious! Yes, even healthy food can be yummy and eye-catching.
Easy White Bread 簡單白麵包
Nothing better than the fresh baking smell in the house. We used to make white loaf with bread machine, it turned out well but still, not as good as the handmade one. Those bread that you (or your mixer) have to knead the dough and shape it.
Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding 巧克力奇異籽布丁
Super food chia seed can make a lovely pudding, add little bit of cocoa powder make the whole world of difference. Healthy and delicious breakfast that you make in no time!
Hong Kong-style Sausage Buns 港式香腸包
Classic Hong Kong-style bread, sausage wrapped with very light and airy bread. With a Tongzhong method, the bread is extra soft.
Easy Bagels 簡單原味貝果Bagel
Classic, simple, soft and chewy bagels, perfect to start your morning with it. So much better than the one you buy in shops.
Easy No-Knead Bread 免揉白麵包
Super easy and simple no-knead bread, nothing fussy but just mix all the ingredients then put the dough in the fridge to proof. Rustic bread with crispy crust and soft bread.