Cherry Tomato Focaccia 意式蕃茄佛卡夏麵包

This Italian oven-bak flat bread is just simply delicious. It is retangular shape, with some holes on top, full of olive oil. You can add different toppings, simple as sea salt and oil, or potatoes, rosemary, onion. This cherry tomato focaccia add a bit of fresh and sweetness in the bread. Great for summer!

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Cinnamon Raisin Buns 肉桂葡萄麵包卷

Homemade freshly baked cinnamon raisin buns, it just make my house smell soooo nice! A flaky bread with sweet melted brown sugar and butter filling, with raisin or with some pecans would be nice. This is the most popular breakfast buns …in my home anyway.

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