Summer Fruit Tart 夏日鮮果撻
In Hong Kong bakery shop, they always have the small slice of cake, and the small fruit tart is always my favourite. A crispy tart shell filled with delicious custard, topped with colourful fruit. So delicious!
It is very easy to make and is perfect for summer desserts/ party food. Enjoy!

以前在各大餅店買西餅時,最喜歡的就是鮮果撻Fruit Tart,香脆的曲奇撻皮,加入卡士達醬,上面加上色彩繽紛的水果,超好味!

For the custard : Add milk in a saucepan, cook under medium low heat until there are bubbles around (do not boil it), then add in vanilla extra, mix well and set aside. In a large bowl, mix eggs, egg yolks, sugar and corn starch together. Then add in 1/3 warm milk, mix well. Then add in the rest of the milk, keep stirring.
Put the mixture back to saucepan, then cook under medium heat until thicken. Keep stirring until there are big bubbles, let it cook for 30 seconds more. Put the custard in a bowl, then cover directly with cling film and let it chill in fridge.
For the tart shell: Mix flour and sugar together, then add in cold cubed butter. Use your hands to crumble it. Add little bit water to form a dough. Wrap with cling film and chill in fridge for an hour.
Take the dough out and place a dough in a tart tin. Use a fork to pick the holes. Place parchment paper and add in rice or beans.
Pop in preheated oven at 180C, bake for 20 minutes. Then take out the parchment paper and beans. Brush some eggwash , then pop back in oven and bake for 10 minutes.
Let the tart shells cool down, then fill with custard, top with sliced fruit. You can brush some apricot jam on top to give it some shine. Enjoy!
*This recipe can make about 15 small tarts
拿出麵糰,放入模內,用叉在麵糰上插孔,再鋪上烘焙紙,加入豆或米, 然後放入已預熱180度C焗爐,焗約20分鐘,拿出豆和烘焙紙,在撻皮上塗上蛋液(這個防止撻皮變軟身),再放入焗爐焗約10分鐘

- 220 g All-purpose Flour
- 30 g Sugar
- 140 g Butter
- 2-3 tbsp Water
- 1 Egg
- 3 Egg Yolks
- 130 g Sugar
- 480 ml Milk
- 40 g Corn Starch
- 1 tsp Vanilla Extract
- Fruit
- Beaten Egg
- Apricot Jam
Add milk in a saucepan, cook under medium low heat until there are bubbles around (do not boil it), then add in vanilla extra, mix well and set aside. In a large bowl, mix eggs, egg yolks, sugar and corn starch together. Then add in 1/3 warm milk, mix well. Then add in the rest of the milk, keep stirring.
Put the mixture back to saucepan, then cook under medium heat until thicken. Keep stirring until there are big bubbles, let it cook for 30 seconds more. Put the custard in a bowl, then cover directly with cling film and let it chill in fridge.
Mix flour and sugar together, then add in cold cubed butter. Use your hands to crumble it. Add little bit water to form a dough. Wrap with cling film and chill in fridge for an hour.
Pop in preheated oven at 180C, bake for 20 minutes. Then take out the parchment paper and beans. Brush some eggwash , then pop back in oven and bake for 10 minutes.
Let the tart shells cool down, then fill with custard, top with sliced fruit. You can brush some apricot jam on top to give it some shine. Enjoy!
*This recipe can make about 15 small tarts