Stuffed Tofu 釀豆腐
Classic Chinese homey dish – stuffed tofu. Very simple yet super delicious! Simply make a hole in a tofu, put minced pork (or you can add minced shrimp). Pan-fry the tofu until golden, dip with soy sauce.
Perfect dish serve with rice, guaranteed everyone will like it!
簡單易做的家常菜 – 釀豆腐。金黃香脆的豆腐,釀入豬肉,加點醬汁就成好味又下飯的家常菜。超簡單,新手必學的下飯料理!
Marinate the minced pork for 30 minutes.
Cut the tofu into small cubes, pat dry with kitchen towel. Take out some of the tofu, put some corn starch and stuff the minced pork.
Add oil in hot pan, pan fry the tofu until all sides are golden.
將豆腐切塊,然後用廚紙吸乾水份,再挖出小部份豆腐. 在豆腐上塗少許太白粉,再加上豬肉,壓實.

- 1 box firm tofu
- 100 g minced pork
- 1 tbsp soy sauce
- 1/4 tsp sugar
- 1 tsp corn starch
- 1 盒 硬豆腐
- 100 克 免治豬肉
- 1 湯匙 生抽
- 1/4 茶匙 糖
- 1 茶匙 生粉
Marinate the minced pork for 30 minutes.
Cut the tofu into small cubes, pat dry with kitchen towel. Take out some of the tofu, put some corn starch and stuff the minced pork.
Add oil in hot pan, pan fry the tofu until all sides are golden.
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