Stir-fry Beef with Soy Sauce 醬油牛肉
Super easy, quick and yummy stir-fry beef with soy sauce, takes only 10 minutes! The important part is to marinate the beef for long time, let the beef absorb all the lovely sauce, then you have a delicious beef, perfect with bowl of rice.
I wanted to make the Korean BBQ beef, but it needed a lot ingredients to make it, so…I give up! Then I start to obmit the ingredients, add this add that, then I got this perfect dish!
Cut the beef into thin slices or strips, then marinate it for at least 30 minutes, longer the betrer.
Heat oil in a pan, then add beef and all the marinate sauce. You can also add sliced onion if you desired, Stir-fry until the meat change color, sprinkle with spring onion and white sesame seeds,then it is done! Serve with plain rice. Enjoy!
先將牛肉切薄片或切幼條,然後放入 醃料 內拌勻,放入雪櫃最少30分鐘。

- 300 gram beef
- 1/2 onion, sliced
- 1 teaspoon ginger, minced
- 2 teaspoons garlic, minced
- 2 tablespoons soy sauce
- 1 tablespoon sesame oil
- 1 teaepoon sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- black pepper
- 1 tabledpoon spring onion, chopped
- 材料:
- 牛肉300克
- 洋蔥(切幼條)半個
- 醃料:
- 蒜蓉 -2茶匙
- 薑蓉 -1茶匙
- 生抽 -2湯匙
- 麻油 -1湯匙
- 糖 -1茶匙
- 鹽 -1/2茶匙
- 黑胡椒 -粉少許
- 蔥花 -1湯匙
- Cut the beef into thin slices or strips, then marinate it for at least 30 minutes, longer the betrer.
- Heat oil in a pan, then add beef and all the marinate sauce. You can also add sliced onion if you desired,.
- Stir-fry until the meat change color, sprinkle with spring onion and white sesame seeds,then it is done! Serve with plain rice. Enjoy!
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