Sticky Toffee Pudding 英式椰棗太妃蛋糕
A classic English pudding – Sticky Toffee Pudding, very moist sponge cake with dates, sticky, gooey and indulgent dessert. Serve with rich toffee sauce and ice-cream, nothing better to end the meal with this.
I think this is my favourite English “pudding” at all time. I don’t like dates so much in general, but for this dessert, the more dates the happier. Yes, it doesn’t look very pretty and appealing but it tastes soooooo goood. So rich, sweet, sticky, gooey and moist at the same time with warm toffee sauce and ice-cream, this is heaven!
Very easy to make and is perfect for serving to your guests, woow them with this!
英國人將所有的飯後甜點都叫作pudding布丁,而這英國傳統的甜品Sticky Toffee Pudding, 更是每間餐廳都會有的甜品。它的外表絕不吸引,但內裡卻是非常誘人!
Soak the dates into hot water for 5 minutes, then blend it as puree, add in baking soda and set aside.
For the cake, beat the butter and brown sugar until smooth, add in eggs, golden syrup and black treacle, mix well.
Sift in flour and baking power, mix well. Add in date puree, mix until well combined. Pour the batter into baking tray, pop in preheated oven at 200C, bake for about 35 -40 minutes.
For the Toffee Sauce : Put all the ingredients into a sauce pan, cook on low heat and mix everything together until all melt and smooth.
Serve the cake with toffee sauce and vanilla ice-cream. Enjoy!
太妃糖漿做法 :將所以材料放入小煲內,用小火煮至所有材料溶化,拌勻即可 糖蜜英文是treacle,在大型超市或烘焙材料店買到,如沒有,可省略。

- 200 gram dates
- 60 gram butter
- 160 gram brown sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1 tablespoon golden syrup
- 2 tablespoons treacle
- 200 gram plain flour
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 100 ml whipping cream
- 50 gram butter
- 1 tablespoon golden syrup
- 2 tablespoons treacle
- 40 gram brown sugar
- 材料:
- 椰棗 -200克
- 牛油 - 60克
- 紅糖 -160克
- 轉化糖漿 -1湯匙
- 糖蜜 -2湯匙
- 雞蛋 -2隻
- 中筋麵粉 :200克
- 泡打粉 :1茶匙
- 梳打粉 :1茶匙
- 太妃糖漿:
- 淡忌廉 -100毫升
- 牛油 - 50克
- 轉化糖漿 - 1湯匙
- 糖蜜 -2湯匙
- 紅糖 -40克
- Soak the dates into hot water for 5 minutes, then blend it as puree, add in baking soda and set aside.
- For the cake, beat the butter and brown sugar until smooth, add in eggs, golden syrup and black treacle, mix well.
- Sift in flour and baking power, mix well. Add in date puree, mix until well combined. Pour the batter into baking tray, pop in preheated oven at 200C, bake for about 35 -40 minutes.
- For the Toffee Sauce : Put all the ingredients into a sauce pan, cook on low heat and mix everything together until all melt and smooth.
- Serve the cake with toffee sauce and vanilla ice-cream. Enjoy!
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