Sticky Buns 焦糖果仁麵包卷
I am not a big fan of bread, but I do love a good big cinnamon bun. The soft bread with cinnamon and sugar inside, and lot of icing on top, it is so delicious! This time we make the similar bun, BUT it is waaaaaaaaay more evil! Look away if you are on diet
These sticky bun is the usual look bun with LOOOOOOOOAD of caramel on top, with lots of nuts. This make it sticky! They are soooooo delicious that I can’t tell you how. Try and you will know what I mean. Enjoy!

很多人都喜歡肉桂麵包卷 Cinnamon Bun,鬆軟的肉桂麵包上再加上糖霜,超美味!但這個是更邪惡的版本!!!!減肥中的朋友請不要看!這個是Sticky Bun, 麵包卷上是焦糖和果仁,超超超美味!

Mix the melted butter and milk together, let it cool. (*If is too hot, it will kill the yeast) Then add in egg, and mix well.
Place the flour and yeast in a large bowl, mix well. Then add in the mixture, mix well and form a dough. If the dough is too wet, add some flour, if too dry, add some water. Knead the dough for about 10 minutes or until the dough is smooth and shinny.
Place the dough on floured surface, knead for about 10 minutes or until the dough is smooth. If the dough is too dry, add little bit of water; if too wet, add some flour. Place the dough in a bowl brushed with oil, cover with cling film and let it rest for at least an hour until double in size.
For the sticky topping: Put butter, honey and brown sugar in a sauce pan, cook under medium heat until everything dissolved, let it cool.
Take the dough out, press the dough and release the air. Roll into 40 x 25cm rectangular (1cm thick) Brush with melted butter, sprinkle brown sugar and ground cinnamon.
Then roll the dough tightly from the longer end. Seal the end and cut into 9 pieces.
Pour the caramel into baking tin, then sprinkle chopped nuts. Place the bread dough into a tin, cover with cling film and let it rest for 45 minutes.
Pop it in preheated oven at 190C, bake for 30 – 35 minutes. Let it cool for 10 minutes, then turn it upside-down. Enjoy!
大碗內,將麵粉及乾酵母拌勻,逐少將混合液與麵粉拌勻,成麵糰便可。如麵糰太乾,加點水; 太濕,加點麵粉
拿出麵糰,用手按壓麵糰,排出空氣(不用再搓麵糰)擀成長方形(約40 x 25cm),1cm厚. 在長形麵糰上塗上溶化奶油,然後灑上紅糖和肉桂粉

- 500 g bread flour
- 7 g instant dried-yeast
- 40 g melted butter
- 1 egg
- 300 ml milk
- 50 g sugar
- 30 g melted butter
- 70 g brown sugar
- ground cinnamon
- 90 g butter
- 90 g brown sugar
- 45 g honey
- 100 g chopped nuts
Mix the melted butter and milk together, let it cool. (*If is too hot, it will kill the yeast) Then add in egg, and mix well.
Place the flour and yeast in a large bowl, mix well. Then add in the mixture, mix well and form a dough. If the dough is too wet, add some flour, if too dry, add some water. Knead the dough for about 10 minutes or until the dough is smooth and shinny.
Place the dough on floured surface, knead for about 10 minutes or until the dough is smooth. If the dough is too dry, add little bit of water; if too wet, add some flour. Place the dough in a bowl brushed with oil, cover with cling film and let it rest for at least an hour until double in size.
For the sticky topping: Put butter, honey and brown sugar in a sauce pan, cook under medium heat until everything dissolved, let it cool.
Take the dough out, press the dough and release the air. Roll into 40 x 25cm rectangular (1cm thick) Brush with melted butter, sprinkle brown sugar and ground cinnamon.
Then roll the dough tightly from the longer end. Seal the end and cut into 9 pieces.
Pour the caramel into baking tin, then sprinkle chopped nuts. Place the bread dough into a tin, cover with cling film and let it rest for 45 minutes.
Pop it in preheated oven at 190C, bake for 30 – 35 minutes. Let it cool for 10 minutes, then turn it upside-down. Enjoy!