Spam & Egg Bun 餐蛋包
This is a classic Hong Kong-style bread – with spam and egg inside. When I was kid, I was struggle to have spam & egg or ham & egg, always spam win! Spam super fan! They are very simple bread, it might sound weird combination inside a bread but they are absolutely delicious!
The bread add in Tangzhong (water roux) which gives the bread extra soft and moist texture. Simple step can make a big different. Try and hope you will like it! Enjoy!

傳統的港式麵包 – 餐蛋包,小時候非常喜歡吃,每次都爭扎於餐蛋還是腿蛋包之間,每次還是餐蛋包勝出!(午餐肉粉絲無誤!)非常懷念這些傳統麵包,充滿童年回憶!
自己做其實非常簡單,加入了湯種,令麵包更濕潤鬆軟,第二天吃仍然鬆軟好味!Mr P一開始便說這個包很奇怪什麼什麼,但後來試了一口便愛上,連續吃了兩個做晚餐!

For the Tangzhong mix together the flour and water into a saucepan, cook under medium heat, keep stirring until it form a paste. Leave it cool completely.
For the filling: Mix eggs, salt and milk together, then pour in oiled tin, bake at 160C for about 15-20 minutes, or until the egg fully cooked. Let it cool then cut into small pieces. Cut the spam into same size as the egg.
For the bread dough: In a large bowl, mix bread flour, instant dried yeast, sugar, salt, beaten egg, unsalted butter, milk and tangzhong together, to form a dough.
Knead the dough for at least 8 minutes or until the dough is smooth and elastic. Place the dough in oiled bowl, wrap with cling film, let it rest for at least an hour, or till double its size.
Take the dough out, press it to release air bubbles, divide into 8 pieces. Roll the dough into balls, then roll it into rectangle. Place the spam and egg in the middle, then wrap it, seal it.
Place it on baking tray, cover with cling film, let it rest for 45 minutes.
Brush some beaten egg on the dough, pop in preheated oven at 180C, bake for about 15 minute. Enjoy!
餡料做法: 雞蛋、鹽和牛奶拌勻,然後倒入塗有油的容器內,放入已預熱160度C焗爐,焗約15-20分鐘或至雞蛋全熟,待涼,切件。另外將午餐肉切成跟蛋相約的大小
湯種做法: 將高筋麵粉和水拌勻,放在鑊內,用中火煮至成糊狀。期間要不停攪拌,待涼備用
拿出麵糰,用手按壓排出空氣,將麵糰分成8等份. 搓圓,然後將麵糰擀成長形,將雞蛋和午餐肉放在中間,然後封口

- 25 g bread flour
- 125 ml water
- 250 g bread flour
- 5 g instant dried yeast
- 50 g sugar
- 1 egg
- 20 g melted unsalted butter
- 70 ml milk
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 8 pcs spam
- 8 eggs
- 15 ml milk
- 1/4 tsp salt
For the Tangzhong mix together the flour and water into a saucepan, cook under medium heat, keep stirring until it form a paste. Leave it cool completely.
For the filling: Mix eggs, salt and milk together, then pour in oiled tin, bake at 160C for about 15-20 minutes, or until the egg fully cooked. Let it cool then cut into small pieces. Cut the spam into same size as the egg.
For the bread dough: In a large bowl, mix bread flour, instant dried yeast, sugar, salt, beaten egg, unsalted butter, milk and tangzhong together, to form a dough.
Knead the dough for at least 8 minutes or until the dough is smooth and elastic. Place the dough in oiled bowl, wrap with cling film, let it rest for at least an hour, or till double its size.
Take the dough out, press it to release air bubbles, divide into 8 pieces. Roll the dough into balls, then roll it into rectangle. Place the spam and egg in the middle, then wrap it, seal it.
Place it on baking tray, cover with cling film, let it rest for 45 minutes.
Brush some beaten egg on the dough, pop in preheated oven at 180C, bake for about 15 minute. Enjoy!
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