Simit – Turkish Bread Rings 土耳其芝麻圈麵包
The first time I tried Simit was on my trip in Istanbul. What a lovely, vibrant city. Love the old market, love all the Turkish food. Simit is a street food – bead ring coated with sesame seeds. They are very chewy and very delicious. Mr P & I had it everyday when we were there.
Simit truly is such a special treat—it’s amazing how a simple bread can carry so much flavor and texture. The boiling step in molasses is key, as you said, giving it that unique chewiness and the rich, slightly sweet flavor that pairs so beautifully with the nutty sesame seeds. The aroma of fresh, sesame-crusted simit baking is like an instant trip back to the vibrant streets of Istanbul!

我第一次吃Simit是在土耳其伊斯坦布爾旅行時。一個充滿魅力和活力的城市,我非常喜愛當地人的市集,也愛上所有的土耳其美食。Simit是一種街頭小吃——形似圓環的麵包,外層裹滿芝麻,口感非常有嚼勁,非常美味。我和Mr. P在那裡時,每天都要吃一個。

In a large bowl, mix bread flour, yeast, sugar, salt and water together. Then knead the dough for about 8-10minutes, until smooth on the surface.
Place it on oiled bowl, cover with cling film and let it rest for an hour or double in size.
In another bowl, mix water and molasses together. And place toasted sesame seeds on a plate.
Then divide the dough into 6 pieces. Roll each piece into a rope and fold it in the middle. Twist it into different direction, pinch the end together and form a ring.
Dip the dough it in a molasses mixture, then coat it with sesame seeds.
Place it on lined baking tray, cover with cling film and let it rest for 30 minutes.
Pop in preheated at 180C, for about 20 minutes.

- 380 g Bread Flour 高筋麵粉
- 7 g Instand Dried Yeast 快速乾酵母
- 15 g Sugar 糖
- 5 g Salt 鹽
- 220-240 ml Water 水
- 80 ml Water 水
- 30 g Molasses/Honey 糖蜜/ 蜂蜜
- 80 g White Sesame Seeds 白芝麻
In a large bowl, mix bread flour, yeast, sugar, salt and water together. Then knead the dough for about 8-10minutes, until smooth on the surface.
Place it on oiled bowl, cover with cling film and let it rest for an hour or double in size.
In another bowl, mix water and molasses together. And place toasted sesame seeds on a plate.
Then divide the dough into 6 pieces. Roll each piece into a rope and fold it in the middle. Twist it into different direction, pinch the end together and form a ring.
Dip the dough it in a molasses mixture, then coat it with sesame seeds.
Place it on lined baking tray, cover with cling film and let it rest for 30 minutes.
Pop in preheated at 180C, for about 20 minutes. Enjoy!