Shredded Chicken & Cold Noodles with Sesame Sauce 涼拌雞絲粉皮

Classic Chinese appetiser with cold noodles and shredded chicken, drizzle with sesame sauce. All the noodles, chicken and cucumber absorb all the lovely sesame sauce, just delicious!

Every time when we go to Chinese restaurant, Mr P had to order this dish, he just can’t resist it. Is it the sesame sauce? or the chicken? Who knows. It is just yummy!

But you can definitely make it at home in no time, I like to make it when I have leftover chicken. Just simply shredded the chicken, add some cucumber slices and glass noodles (you can add any noodles you like!), mix some sesame sauce, done! Perfect for appetiser or even dinner at our home, hope you like it too!

這個非常開胃的涼拌菜,絕對是夏日必吃! 作前菜或正餐也非常方便~ 


Mix all the sauce ingredients together. 

Cook the noodles, then rinse under cold water, drain well.

Place the noodles on a plate, then cucumber and shredded chicken on top.

Pour the sesame sauce on top and sprinkle with white sesame seeds.




Shredded Chicken & Noodles with Sesame Sauce
Prep Time
15 mins
Cook Time
20 mins
Total Time
18 mins
Course: Appetizer
Cuisine: Chinese
  • 300 g Chicken 雞肉
  • 150 g Glass Noodles 粉皮
  • 1 Cucumber 青瓜
  • Sesame Seeds 芝麻
Sauce 醬汁
  • 3 tbsp Sesame Paste 芝麻醬
  • 1/2 tsp Sesame Oil 芝麻油
  • 1/2 tsp Sugar 糖
  • 1/2 tsp Chinese Vinegar 鎮江醋
  1. Mix all the sauce ingredients together. 


  2. Cook the noodles, then rinse under cold water, drain well.

  3. Place the noodles on a plate, then cucumber and shredded chicken on top.

  4. Pour the sesame sauce on top and sprinkle with white sesame seeds.

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