Pistachio Ice-Cream 自製開心果雪糕

Pistachio gelato has to be my favourite gelato, period. When I lived in Italy, I had gelato almost everyday and every time I must pick Pistachio flavour.

Last time I shared my custard ice-cream recipe, that is the most important base. Then, it is for you to be creative and make your favourite flavours. Chocolate, coffee, raspberry, mint…. and of course, PISTACHIO!

It is super easy to make and the best part is, you can add more pistachio in your ice-cream to have more flavour. So much better than the store-bought one.




Blend the pistachio into coarse paste, set aside.

In a saucepan, add sugar, heavy cream and milk, mix well. Cook under medium heat till simmer.

In a large bowl, beat the egg yolks, then gradually add in half of the cooked mixture. Keep whisking at the same time.

Pour all the mixture back to the saucepan, cook under medium low heat, keep stirring until it thick enough to coat the back of a spoon.

Sieve the mixture in a bowl, add in pistachio, mix well. Then cover directly with cling film. Let it cool, then chill in the fridge overnight.

Churn the mixture with your ice-cream maker. Enjoy!

*if you don’t have an ice-cream machine, you can pour the ice-cream base into ice cube tray, freeze it overnight. The next day, take the ice cube out and blend in a blender until smooth. Enjoy!








Pistachio Ice-cream
Prep Time
15 mins
Cook Time
3 mins
Course: Dessert
Keyword: gelato, ice-cream, pistachio
  • 100 g Pistachio 開心果
  • 120 g Sugar 糖
  • 300 ml Double Cream 淡忌廉
  • 100 ml Milk 牛奶
  • 6 Egg Yolks 蛋黃
  1. Blend the pistachio into coarse paste, set aside.

  2. In a saucepan, add sugar, heavy cream and milk, mix well. Cook under medium heat till simmer.

  3. In a large bowl, beat the egg yolks, then gradually add in half of the cooked mixture. Keep whisking at the same time.

  4. Pour all the mixture back to the saucepan, cook under medium low heat, keep stirring until it thick enough to coat the back of a spoon.

  5. Sieve the mixture in a bowl, add in pistachio, mix well. Then cover directly with cling film. Let it cool, then chill in the fridge overnight.

  6. Churn the mixture with your ice-cream maker. Enjoy!

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