Pistachio Financiers 法式開心果費南雪

Cakes, CATEGORIES | 28th August 2024 | By

I am officially in love with these pistachio financiers!!!!

Lately I am going through my ”pistachio obsession”! Got few kilogram of pistachio at home and I am making everything pistachio! Pistachio gelato, cake, cheesecake, cookies….AND this financiers are the best! I had the pistachio financiers at a bakery and I have to make it at home.

Financiers are French little almond cake, they are very light, moist with crisp outside. Usually is small rectangular shape, but I don’t have the exact tin, so I just use my muffin tins. They turn out perfect fine! They are sooooo delicious that I can’t stop eating!




Melt the butter until slight brown, let it cool.

In a large bowl, mix icing sugar, flour, almond flour and chopped pistachio together.

Beat the egg whites with a fork (do not need to make foam, just separate the egg whites) , add into dry ingredients. Mix until half way.

Then add in melted butter, mix until well combined.

Butter the tin very well, then pour the batter into a tin. Sprinkle more pistachio on top.

Pop in preheated oven at 200C, bake for about 10-12mins. Let them cool in a pan for few minutes before taking them out. Enjoy!

*This recipe can make about 9 little cakes.





在蛋糕模內塗滿牛油,倒入蛋糕糊。放入已預熱200C 焗爐,焗10-12分鐘。待涼數分鐘後才將蛋糕脫模。


Pistachio Financiers
Prep Time
15 mins
Cook Time
15 mins
Total Time
30 mins
Cuisine: French
Keyword: cake
Servings: 10 cakes
  • 100 g Melted Butter 溶化牛油
  • 60 g Almond Flour 杏仁粉
  • 30 g Plain Flour 中筋麵粉
  • 100 g Icing Sugar 糖霜
  • 20 g Pistachio, chopped 開心果碎
  • 130 g Egg Whites 蛋白
  1. Melt the butter until slight brown, let it cool.

  2. In a large bowl, mix icing sugar, flour, almond flour and chopped pistachio together.

  3. Beat the egg whites with a fork (do not need to make foam, just separate the egg whites) , add into dry ingredients. Mix until half way.

  4. Then add in melted butter, mix until well combined.

  5. Butter the tin very well, then pour the batter into a tin. Sprinkle more pistachio on top.

  6. Pop in preheated oven at 200C, bake for about 10-12mins. Let them cool in a pan for few minutes before taking them out. Enjoy!

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