Pistachio & Almond Biscotti 意大利杏仁開心果脆餅
Biscotti, also known as Cantucci, is an Italian sliced cookie that you dip in the coffee and enjoy it! I learnt that recipe from an Italian grandmother. She made these for me and I love it so much!
You can make different combination with chocolate, orange, cranberries. But my favourite has to be pistachio and almond. It is a ”bake twice” cookies that you have to make it two times. A perfect cookie with a cup of coffee or simply enjoy as it is.

Biscotti 有”焗/烤兩次”的意思,就是要將這個餅乾焗兩次才完成

Roast the almond in oven at 160C, bake for 10 minutes. Let it cool completely.
Cream the butter and sugar together, then add in egg, mix well.
Sieve in flour and baking powder, mix until well combine. Add in almonds and pistachios, mix well to form a dough.
Sprinkle some flour on the worktop, divide the dough into 2, roll into cylinder, press a little bit. Brush some egg wash on top, then pop in preheated oven at 180C for 30-35 mins. (If the dough is too sticky, you can add some more flour)
Let it cool for 5 mins, then use a sharp knife to cut to diagonal slice (about 2cm thick) . Place it on parchment paper, then pop in oven again. Bake at 170C, 7 to 8 mins each side or until golden. Enjoy!

在枱上灑少許麵粉,放上麵糰,將麵糰分成兩份,搓成長條狀,在上面塗一層蛋液。放入已預熱180度C焗爐(烤箱),焗約30-35分鐘 (如果麵糰太濕,可多加點麵粉)

- 60 g Almond 杏仁
- 50 g Pistachio 開心果
- 150 g Butter 牛油
- 150 g Sugar 糖
- 2 Eggs 雞蛋
- 270 g Plain Flour 中筋麵粉
- 2 g Baking Powder 泡打粉
- 適量 Egg Wash 蛋液
Roast the almond in oven at 160C, bake for 10 minutes. Let it cool completely.
Cream the butter and sugar together, then add in egg, mix well.
Sieve in flour and baking powder, mix until well combine. Add in almonds and pistachios, mix well to form a dough.
Sprinkle some flour on the worktop, divide the dough into 2, roll into cylinder, press a little bit. Brush some egg wash on top, then pop in preheated oven at 180C for 30-35 mins. (If the dough is too sticky, you can add some more flour)
Let it cool for 5 mins, then use a sharp knife to cut to diagonal slice (about 2cm thick) . Place it on parchment paper, then pop in oven again. Bake at 170C, 7 to 8 mins each side or until golden. Enjoy!