No-Knead Seeded Bread 免揉南瓜籽燕麥麵包
Who doesn’t like no-knead bread? Yes I know this is very satisfying to knead the dough, bake a fresh bread. But sometimes we just want an easier, quicker way to have a fresh bread right?!
I have been sharing some no-knead bread recipes and many of you said they love it. This one, I add oat and add more seeds in it, to give it more texture. It turns out really well! Crispy crust on the outside, soft in the inside. Really happy with it! Hope you enjoy it too!

這次加入燕麥、南瓜籽、奇異籽和芝麻,令麵包內外都更有口感。外脆內軟,非常好味! 我用鑄鐵鍋焗,如沒有鑄鐵鍋,也可以放在普通焗盤上,在焗爐最底層加一盤水一起焗,那就會令麵包外層更香脆。希望大家都喜歡這個食譜!

In a large mixing bowl, mix flour, yeast, salt together. Then add in oatmeal, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, chia seed or anything seeds you like to use. Mix well.
Then add all the water, mix well. The dough will be sticky, that is normal. Cover with cling film and rest in room temperature for 1 hour or the dough double it size.
Then chill the dough in fridge for at least 12 hours (or up to 3 days)
When you ready to bake, take the bowl(dough) out and let it rest at room temperature for 45 minutes.
Then place the dough on floured parchment paper. Press the dough gently then shape the dough. Cover the cling film and let it rest for 45 minutes, the dough will rise slightly. Then brush some water on top, then add some more seeds and oatmeal on top, press it to let it stick on the dough.
Preheat your oven at 210C, put your dutch oven in as well (if you are using) . Then take out the dutch oven and put your dough (with parchment paper) into dutch oven, put the lid on and put in oven. Bake for about 40 minutes. Take the lid off and check if the bread is cooked. If not, bake fore 5 to 10 more minutes. Let it cool completely then slice it, enjoy!
* If you are not using dutch oven, simply put a tray of water at the bottom of your oven when you preheat the oven. Then put the bread dough on lined baking tray, put in the middle rack of the oven to bake.
在大碗內,將麵粉、酵母和鹽拌勻. 然後加入燕麥、南瓜籽、奇亞籽、芝麻等拌勻.
*沒有鑄鐵鍋做法:預熱焗爐時,在焗爐底層放一盤水(有蒸氣作用,令麵包外層更香脆) 將麵糰放入已預熱210度C焗爐,焗約40分鐘。如未熟透,可再多焗5-10分鐘

- 350 g Bread Flour 高筋麵粉
- 7 g Instant Dried Yeast 快速乾酵母
- 8 g Salt 鹽
- 60 g Oatmeal 燕麥
- 75 g Seeds 南瓜籽、奇異籽、芝麻
- 370 ml Water 水
- extra seeds for toppings
In a large mixing bowl, mix flour, yeast, salt together. Then add in oatmeal, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, chia seed or anything seeds you like to use. Mix well.
Then add all the water, mix well. The dough will be sticky, that is normal. Cover with cling film and rest in room temperature for 1 hour or the dough double it size.
Then chill the dough in fridge for at least 12 hours (or up to 3 days)
When you ready to bake, take the bowl(dough) out and let it rest at room temperature for 45 minutes.
Then place the dough on floured parchment paper. Press the dough gently then shape the dough. Cover the cling film and let it rest for 45 minutes, the dough will rise slightly. Then brush some water on top, then add some more seeds and oatmeal on top, press it to let it stick on the dough.
Preheat your oven at 210C, put your dutch oven in as well (if you are using) . Then take out the dutch oven and put your dough (with parchment paper) into dutch oven, put the lid on and put in oven. Bake for about 40 minutes. Take the lid off and check if the bread is cooked. If not, bake fore 5 to 10 more minutes. Let it cool completely then slice it, enjoy!
* If you are not using dutch oven, simply put a tray of water at the bottom of your oven when you preheat the oven. Then put the bread dough on lined baking tray, put in the middle rack of the oven to bake.