Nama Chocolate 生巧克力
This is a copycat of ROYCE nama chocolate, so yummy that once you bite it, it melt in your mouth. Seriously every time I just can’t stop eating it until I finish the whole box!
Actually you can easily made at home, just need 3 ingredients (Yes, really!) and with almost no skills. No baking needed, no fuss and you will have these lovely chocolate. Perfect for Valentine’s day!
但愈賣愈貴,其實這個Nama Chocolate 的做法很簡單,只需三種材料就做到! 情人節做來送給情人,很甜蜜呢!
Chop the chocolate into small pieces, put in a bowl, set aside.
Cook the whipping cream under medium heat, until there are small bubbles around the edge. Then pour into the chocolate and mix well. If you like, you can add around 1 tablespoon brandy.
Pour the chocolate into the lined container, refrigerate for at least 3 hours.
Cut into small pieces and dust or coat with cocoa powder. Enjoy!
將淡忌廉放入煲內,用中火煮至周邊有小氣泡 (*千萬不要煮沸)然後倒入巧克力內。拌勻至完全溶化成巧克力漿(*也可加一大匙蘭姆酒)

- 300 gram chocolate
- 150 ml whipping cream
- cocoa powder
- 材料:
- 巧克力 300克
- 淡忌廉 150毫升
- 可可粉 適量
- Chop the chocolate into small pieces, set aside.
- Cook the whipping cream under medium heat, until there are small bubbles around the edge. Then pour into the chocolate and mix well. If you like, you can add around 1 tablespoon brandy)
- Pour the chocolate into the lined container, refrigerate for at least 3 hours.
- Cut into small pieces and dust or coat with cocoa powder. Enjoy!