Mini Pancake Cereal 超迷你班戟(鬆餅)

CATEGORIES | 18th May 2020 | By

There is a very popular post on internet of these mini pancake cereal. The idea is make the pancake very mini and you can eat it like cereal. How cute is that?! But I definitely not eat these with milk, it has to be butter and maple syrup!!!

You can make your own pancake batter, the trick is to pipe the batter on the pan. Use non-stick pan if you can, it make a lovely plain golden colour without any oil marks. Enjoy!

在外國網上近來非常流行這個超迷你班Pancake Cereal, 超迷你的放在碗內,像吃Cereal般。當然,我不建議加牛奶,一定要用牛油和糖漿呢!


Mix flour, salt, sugar and baking powder together in a big bowl. Then add in egg, milk and melted butter. Mix until smooth.

Pour the batter into piping bag, cut a tiny hole.

Pipe the batter on the non-stick pan (or brush some butter on the pan), leave some spaces between each one. Cook under medium low heat for about 3 minutes or until there are bubbles on top and it kind of set. Then flip it over and cook for about 30 seconds. Enjoy!

*This recipe is about 2-3 portion, can make around 100 mini pancakes

將麵粉、鹽、糖和泡打粉放入大碗內拌勻. 然後加入雞蛋、牛奶和溶化牛油,拌勻至沒有粉粒


將麵糊擠在平底鍋內 (*最好用不沾鍋,否則要塗一層油),每個隔有空間,用中小火煎約3分鐘或表面有氣泡及凝固,然後再煎另一邊約30秒即成!


Mini Pancake Cereal
Prep Time
5 mins
Cook Time
25 mins
Total Time
30 mins
Course: Breakfast
Cuisine: American
  • 140 g all-purpose flour
  • 30 g sugar
  • 4 g baking powder
  • 2 g salt
  • 240 ml milk
  • 20 g melted butter
  • 1 egg
  1. Mix flour, salt, sugar and baking powder together in a big bowl. Then add in egg, milk and melted butter. Mix until smooth.

  2. Pour the batter into piping bag, cut a tiny hole.

  3. Pipe the batter on the non-stick pan (or brush some butter on the pan), leave some spaces between each one. Cook under medium low heat for about 3 minutes or until there are bubbles on top and it kind of set. Then flip it over and cook for about 30 seconds. Enjoy!

  4. *This recipe is about 2-3 portion, can make around 100 mini pancakes

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Mini Pancake Cereal
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