Mini Cheesecakes 迷你芝士蛋糕
Who fancy a creamy, rich, delicate, adorable mini cheesecake? Very simple ingredients, mix all the ingredients together, in 30 minutes you will have these little delicious cheesecake.
I love everything in miniature, they are so cute and pretty. For cheesecake, usually after few bites I will feel “enough” and cannot finish the whole slice. So, why not make the few-bite size and everyone can enjoy just enough!
This recipe is so simple and straight forward, even new baker can handle it. The cheesecake is rich but fresh with lemon taste. Decorate it with fresh fruit, there you have your own mini showstopper.
這個外形迷你又可愛的芝士蛋糕,香濃的芝士,口感幼滑。 將蛋糕做成小小的,加點檸檬汁,清新不膩。再加點裝飾,超美味又吸睛!
For the bottom crust, crumble the digestive biscuits with food processor or rolling pin. Mix with melted butter, then distribute the mixture into lined muffin tin, press it.
餅底做法: 先將消化餅乾壓碎,然後與溶化牛油拌勻。將餅乾碎放入已鋪有烘焙紙的蛋糕模內,用手壓實。
For the cheesecake, beat the cream cheese until soften, then add in sugar and mix until smooth.
Then add egg, lemon juice, milk and flour, mix until well combined.
將忌廉芝士cream cheese放置室溫,用電動打蛋器打發至軟身,然後下糖,檸檬汁,雞蛋及麵粉拌勻。將蛋糕糊倒入焗模內,放入已預熱160度焗爐,焗約20 -23分鐘。
Pour the mixture into the muffin tin, pop in preheated oven at 160C, bake for 20 – 23 minutes.
Let it cool completely , then chill in fridge for at least 2 hours. You can put some jam on cheesecakes and decorate with fresh fruit.
將蛋糕放在涼架上待涼,然後放入雪櫃最少兩小時。在芝士蛋糕上塗上果醬 (加少許熱水與果醬拌勻),放上水果裝飾~

- 60 gram digestive biscuits
- 45 gram butter, melted
- 200 gram cream cheese
- 90 gram sugar
- 1 egg
- 2 tablespoons flour
- 1 tablespoom lemon juice
- 材料:
- 餅底
- 溶化牛油- 45克
- 消化餅- 60克
- 忌廉芝士cream cheese- 200克
- 糖- 90克
- 雞蛋- 1隻
- 中筋麵粉- 2湯匙
- 檸檬汁- 1湯匙
- Crumble the digestive biscuits with food processor or rolling pin. Mix with melted butter, then distribute the mixture into lined muffin tin, press it.
- Beat the cream cheese until soften, then add in sugar and mix until smooth.
- Then add egg, lemon juice, milk and flour, mix until well combined.
- Pour the mixture into the muffin tin, pop in preheated oven at 160C, bake for 20 - 23 minutes.
- Let it cool completely , then chill in fridge for at least 2 hours. You can put some jam on cheesecakes and decorate with fresh fruit.
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