Microwave Recipe – Apple Chips 微波爐蘋果片
This is an awesome snack! Quick, easy, 1 ingredient, microwave, healthy! How great is that! Try and you will love it!
You can find apple chips in the healthy organic store, it said they are healthy, but when you check closer, some of them actually put sugar in it. I personlly prefer no sugar one and you can still taste the real flavour of apples.
This is microwave version, it is quick and simple. But mind you, if you want to make a lot, it maybe better to use oven. Pop in 225C oven bake for about an hour or so, until they fully dry out. The trick is…make it very dry, it won’t crispy like potato chips, but is dried apples. Taste fresh and healthy! Yes this is important!
這個蘋果片在健康食品店也會找到,雖說是健康,但部份加了防腐劑,糖等,還是自家製無添加最好!只有一種材料,不用油炸,只需微波爐,十分鐘內便做到。用焗爐也可,調至220度焗大約, 小時或至蘋果片完全乾透。蘋果片不會像薯片那樣脆,較像蘋果乾。超簡單,美味又健康,適合大人小朋友的小食!
Wash and thinly slice the apple into 1/8 inch round. Place on microwave proof plate with parchment paper. Arrange it to single layer, do not overlap.
Pop in microwave at highest powder for 4 to 5 minutes, the edges start to curl up. Then flip each slice and mircowave for about a minute or until dry. Cool on wire rack for 10 minutes. Serve immediately.

- 2 apples
- Wash and thinly slice the apples into 1/8 inch rounds.
- Place on the plate with parchment paper, in single layer.
- Microwave it at highest power for 4 to 5 minutes, the edges of apples start to curl up.
- Then flip each slices and microwave for about 2 minutes. Cool on wire rack for 10 minutes. Serve immediately.
- If you want to use oven, at 220C bake for about an hour or dry.

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