Mango Mousse Cake 芒果慕絲凍餅

Mango dessert again! Yeah!  I cannot stop buying mangoes as they look so delicious in supermarket. So beside the mango pudding, I love to make this no-bake mango mousse cake. 

Of course, we need a classic crumble biscuits base, then go with very creamy mousse with mango flavour. Inside the mousse, I add  more mango cubes. Finally with a layer of mango puree jelly on top. Perfect summer dessert to wow your guests! Enjoy!



Crush the digestive biscuits, mix with melted butter. Place it in a cake tin, press it and chill for 30 minutes. 

Blend the mango with 2 tablespoons of water to puree, set aside.

Place the gelatine sheets in cold water, let it soften and drain well. Then put in a bowl of hot water to melt it. Add gelatine into mango puree, mix well.

Beat the whipping cream until soft peak. Then add in mango puree, mix well.

Pour the mixture into the cake tin, then chill for at least 4 hours. *You can add some mango cubes inside the mousse if desire. 

For the mango layer: use 70ml water mix with 5g gelatine. Then add in 100g mango puree, mix well then pour onto the mousse. Chill in fridge until it all set. 

Unmold and decorate it as desire. Enjoy!

* I use 6-inch tin



將魚膠片放入開水內浸軟,然後瀝乾水份,再放入一碗熱水內座溶.  將魚膠溶液加入芒果蓉內,拌勻. 

用電動打蛋器打發淡忌廉至有紋路出現, 加入芒果果蓉拌勻成芒果慕斯. 倒入模具內,放入雪櫃冷凍最少4個小時或至凝固 (也可加入芒果肉在中間)


用熱毛巾圍著慕斯圈一會,方便脫模。用鋒利的刀浸在熱水內,抹乾,然後切件,再重覆浸入熱水, 這樣更容易切件. 


Mango Mousse Cake
Prep Time
45 mins
Total Time
45 mins
Servings: 6
  • 80 g digestive biscuits
  • 35 g melted unsalted butter
  • 250 ml whipping cream
  • 50 g sugar
  • 15 g gelatine
  • 250 g mango puree
mango layer
  • 120 g mango puree
  • 4 g gelatine
  • 80 消化餅乾
  • 35 溶化牛油
  • 250 芒果果蓉
  • 50
  • 15 魚膠粉/片
  • 250 毫升 淡忌廉
  • 120 芒果果蓉
  • 4 魚膠粉/片
  1. Crush the digestive biscuits, mix with melted butter. Place it in a cake tin (I use 6-inch tin) , press it and chill for 30 minutes. 

  2. Blend the mango with 2 tablespoons of water to puree, set aside.

  3. Place the gelatine sheets in cold water, let it soften and drain well. Then put in a bowl of hot water to melt it. Add gelatine into mango puree, mix well.

  4. Beat the whipping cream until soft peak. Then add in mango puree, mix well.

  5. Pour the mixture into the cake tin, then chill for at least 4 hours. *You can add some mango cubes inside the mousse if desire. 

  6. For the mango layer: use 70ml water mix with 5g gelatine. Then add in 100g mango puree, mix well then pour onto the mousse. Chill in fridge until it all set. 

  7. Unmold and decorate it as desire. Enjoy!

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Mango Mousse Cake
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