Macaroni & Cheese 芝士焗通心粉
One of the most comforting food – classic Macaroni & Cheese. With sharp cheddar cheese and parmesan cheese creamy sauce, topped with golden melted cheese, definitely a killer!
Nothing better than a bowl of macaroni and cheese after a long day! Creamy cheese sauce, topped with golden melted cheese, hmmmm…who can resist it?
I love to make a big batch of it, then store it in freezer, so whenever I feel like (or crave for Mac ‘n’ Cheese) I just have to pop in oven and have fresh bowl of comfort food. The most important part is the cheese sauce, be generous and add tons of cheese!
大人小孩都喜歡的Mac & Cheese,表面金黃酥脆的芝士,再加上香濃的芝士醬汁,實在超邪惡又好味!
Bring a large pot of salted water to boil, cook the marconi (two minutes less than the instruction), drain well.
用一大煲沸水,下兩茶匙鹽煮通心粉,瀝乾水份備用 (按包裝上指示少煮兩分鐘)。
Melt the butter in a pot, then add in flour and mix well quickly. Gradually add in milk, keep stiring. Mix until smooth and no lumps.
將牛油放入鍋內,用中小火煮至溶化,然後下麵粉快速拌勻。逐少加入牛奶不停攪拌,再用中小火煮5分鐘。Remove from heat, add in cheddar cheese and half of the parmesan cheese, mix well. Season with salt and pepper, add in mustard to mix well. This is the creamy cheese sauce.
Add the macaroni and mix well. Transfer it into baking dish, sprinkle the rest of parmesan cheese and bread crumbs on top. Pop in preheated oven at 220C, bake for about 20 minutes, or until the top is golden.

- 350 gram macaroni
- 2 tablespoons butter
- 3 tablespoons plain flour
- 450 ml milk
- 1 teapsoon mustard
- 200 gram cheddar cheese, grated
- 40 gram parmesan cheese, grated
- bread crumbs
- Bring a large pot of salted water to boil, cook the marconi (two minutes less than the instruction), drain well.
- Melt the butter in a pot, then add in flour and mix well quickly. Gradually add in milk, keep stiring. Mix until smooth and no lumps.
- Remove from heat, add in cheddar cheese and half of the parmesan cheese, mix well. Season with salt and pepper, add in mustard to mix well. This is the creamy cheese sauce.
- Add the macaroni and mix well. Transfer it into baking dish, sprinkle the rest of parmesan cheese and bread crumbs on top.
- Pop in preheated oven at 220C, bake for about 20 minutes, or until the top is golden.
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