Korean Cheese Corn 韓式芝士粟米
I had this Cheese Corn in Korean restaurant once, at first, I found it a bit weird, but then I just love it! This is actually very easy to make side dish, just corn and cheese! YES!
If you love cheese and corns, you must try this, for snack, for side dish or whatever. You will love it!
在韓式餐廳吃過一次芝士粟米Cheese Corn,非常簡單的材料卻超好味!香甜的粟米,加上超多的芝士,可拉絲的喔,實在無法抗拒!
Mix corns, green bell pepper and mayonnaise together.
Add a tablespoon of butter in a pan, then cook under medium heat until melted. Add in all the ingredient and sprinkle cheese on top.
Cook under medium heat until cheese melted, then sprinkle some herbs on top.
在鑊內下一湯匙牛油,用中火煮至牛油溶化,再下步驟一的材料,再在上面加上芝士,用中火煮至芝士溶化. 煮至芝士溶化後,再灑上香草即成!

- 1 can sweet corn
- 1/2 green bell pepper
- 2-3 tbsp mayonnaise
- cheese
- 1 罐 粟米
- 半 個 青椒
- 2-3 湯匙 沙律醬
- 適量 芝士
Mix corns, green bell pepper and mayonnaise together.
Add a tablespoon of butter in a pan, then cook under medium heat until melted. Add in all the ingredient and sprinkle cheese on top.
Cook under medium heat until cheese melted, then sprinkle some herbs on top.
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