Kimchi Gyoza (Dumplings) 泡菜日式餃子
A little twist of traditional Japanese gyoza (dumplings) , with pork and kimchi filling. Golden crispy at the bottom, inside is so juice, little bit spicy and very delicious. Of course, nothing better than homemade gyoza.
I love all kind of dumplings, steam, fry, boil. With all kind of filling, but this one is one of my favourige, very simple mix with pork and kimchi. With those golden crispy at the bottom, and simple dipping sauce, it is heaven!
Homemade dumplings are unbeatable, can’t even compare with the store brought one. This is one thing in my kitchen I insist…to wrap my own dumplings all the time. It seems so much work, but once you do all the hard work, you can enjoy all those goodness. You can freeze some dumplings in freezer for a month. Everything is worth it!
If you love kimchi, pleaseeeeeee try, you will love it! Promise!
Mix the minced pork, kimchi and all the seasoning together, cover with cling film and chill in fridge for 30 minutes.
將豬絞肉,泡菜及所有調味料拌勻,蓋上保鮮紙,放入雪櫃30分鐘。Put some filling in the middle of the gyoza wrapper, dip some water with your finger,draw a circle around the edges. Then fold the wrapper into half and pin in the center but not seal it.
Make a plate with your thumb and index finger, from the centre to the right, then to the left (about 3 -4 plates each side) Place the gyoza on floured plate (this is secret for the golden crisp bottom).
Heat oil in non-stick hot pan on medium heat, then place the gyoza flat side down. Then pour in 50 ml of water then cover the lid and cook for 2 minutes.
More than half of the water will evaporate, then add about 2 teaspoons of sesame oil on the gyoza.
Let it cook until the water evaporate and the bottom turn golden and crispy. Transfer to a plate and serve with dipping sauce.
For the dipping sauce, put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well.

- 40 pieces wrappers
- 300 gram minced pork
- 150 gram kimchi, chopped
- 1 teaspoon soy sauce
- 1 teaspoon sesame oil
- 1 teaspoon corn starch
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon white pepper
- 3 -4 tablespoons soy sauce
- 1 teaspoon minced ginger
- 1 teaspoon sesame oil
- 1 teapsoon sugar
- 2 tablespoons vinegar
- 材料:
- 餃子皮 -40塊
- 豬絞肉 -300克
- 泡菜 -150克
- 調味料:
- 生抽-1茶匙
- 糖 -1茶匙
- 粟粉 -1茶匙
- 鹽 -1/2 茶匙
- 白胡椒粉-1/4茶匙
- 沾醬:
- 生抽 -3-4湯匙
- 麻油 -1茶匙
- 糖 -1茶匙
- 薑蓉 -1茶匙
- 白醋 -2湯匙
- Mix the minced pork and all the seasoning together, cover with cling film and chill in fridge for 30 minutes.
- Put some filling in the middle of the gyoza wrapper, dip some water with your finger,draw a circle around the edges.
- Then fold the wrapper into half and pin in the center but not seal it. Make a plate with your thumb and index finger, from the centre to the right, then to the left (about 3 -4 plates each side)
- Place the gyoza on floured plate (this is secret for the golden crisp bottom).
- Heat oil in hot pan on medium heat, then place the gyoza flat side down.
- Then pour in 100 ml of water then cover the lid and cook for 2 minutes. More than half of the water will evaporate.
- Then add about 2 teaspoons of sesame oil on the gyoza. Let it cook until the water evaporate and the bottom turn golden and crispy. Transfer to a plate and serve with dipping sauce.
- Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well.
- Put the gyoza into air tight box and store in freeze up to 3 weeks.
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