Italian Focaccia 意式香草麵包
I am not a bread fan at all and seldom eat bread. I do make bread at home but is only for Mr P. However, there is always exception, when I lived in Italy, I love ciabatta and focaccia bread. They are so just tasty and full of flavour.
This is authentic Italian recipe, very easy to make. This bread is full of olive oil flavour and make the bread extra tasty. You can slice the bread and dip in olive oil and balsamic vinegar for snack. Or, can slice it in half and sandwich with tomato, cheese, pesto. Hmmmm…taste of Italy! Try and hope you love it too!
可以切成小塊,沾橄欖油和黑醋享用,又或者橫切再夾Mozzarella 芝士、蕃茄和青醬做三文治。
In a large bowl, mix flour, yeast and salt together. Then add in olive oil and 300 ml water, mix well.
Beat the dough in a stand mixer or knead the dough on worktop. Gradually add in the rest of the water and knead a smooth dough. It takes 8-10 mins. You might not need all the water, feel the dough.
Place the dough in lightly oiled bowl, cover with cling film. Let it rest for 1- 2 hours or until double in size.
Divide the dough into 2 , press the dough to release air. Place each dough in a baking tray (with some olive oil) , shape it and cover with cling film and let it rest for 30 minutes.
Use your fingers to make some holes on a dough, season with salt, drizzle olive oil and put rosemary on top. Pop in preheated oven at 220C, make for 20 minutes or until golden.
將麵糰放在枱上,搓八至十分鐘或至薄膜,可逐少加剩餘的水 (*未必雖然用全部的水,成麵糰便可)然後將麵糰放入塗有橄欖油的碗內,用保鮮紙封口,靜置一至兩小時至麵糰發酵脹大兩倍

- 500 g bread flour
- 10 g instant dried yeast
- 10 g salt
- 40 ml olive oil
- 360 ml water
- rosemary
In a large bowl, mix flour, yeast and salt together. Then add in olive oil and 300 ml water, mix well
Beat the dough in a stand mixer or knead the dough on worktop. Gradually add in the rest of the water and knead a smooth dough. It takes 8-10 mins. You might not need all the water, feel the dough.
Place the dough in lightly oiled bowl, cover with cling film. Let it rest for 1- 2 hours or until double in size.
Divide the dough into 2 , press the dough to release air. Place each dough in a baking tray (with some olive oil) , shape it and cover with cling film and let it rest for 30 minutes.
Use your fingers to make some holes on a dough, season with salt, drizzle olive oil and put rosemary on top. Pop in preheated oven at 220C, make for 20 minutes or until golden.