Italian Ciabatta 意大利拖鞋麵包
Classic Italian bread – Ciabatta, mean slipper cause the shape of the bread looks like a slipper. It is a very high hydration dough, which make the bread has very big holes in it. Super crispy on the outside, soft in the inside.
I love to use ciabatta to make panini (sandwiches), with some prosciutto, mozzarella cheese, salami and sun-dried tomatoes, perfect sandwich for lunch! It is very easy to make with no knead, chill the dough overnight and you can bake it the next morning. Hope you enjoy it!

意大利的拖鞋麵包 – Ciabatta,因形狀長長像拖鞋而有此名。這個是水份非常高的麵糰,做出來的麵包內有很多大大小小的氣孔。外脆內鬆軟,非常好味!

Mix water, salt and instant dried yeast in a container, mix well. Then add in flour, mix well (I used Italian double zero flour) and rest for 30 minutes.
Then dip your fingers with some water, then fold the dough (at each corner) to the opposite. Rest for 30 minutes.
Repeat this folding and resting process for total 4 times.
Chill the dough in the fridge for at least 12 hours.
Take out the dough on floured worktop, shape it a rectangle then fold once.
The divide the dough into 4, dust some flour on top. Cover with cloth and rest for 45 minutes.
Pop in preheated oven at 220C, bake for about 20 minutes. (Put a tray of water in the lower rack of the oven to create steam, which make a crispy crust)
將水、鹽和快速乾酵母拌勻,加入麵粉,拌勻 (我是用意大利00號麵粉),靜置30分鐘
將麵糰放入已預熱220C 焗爐,焗約20分鐘 (可在焗爐低層放一盤水,增加蒸氣,令麵包按面更香脆)

- 12 g Instant Dried Yeast 快速乾酵母
- 7 g Salt 鹽
- 420 ml Water 水
- 470 g Bread Flour (I used 00' flour) 高筋麵粉
Mix water, salt and instant dried yeast in a container, mix well. Then add in flour, mix well (I used Italian double zero flour) and rest for 30 minutes.
Then dip your fingers with some water, then fold the dough (at each corner) to the opposite. Rest for 30 minutes.
Repeat this folding and resting process for total 4 times.
Chill the dough in the fridge for at least 12 hours.
Take out the dough on floured worktop, shape it a rectangle then fold once.
Then divide the dough into 4, dust some flour on top. Cover with cloth and rest for 45 minutes.
Pop in preheated oven at 220C, bake for about 20 minutes. (Put a tray of water in the lower rack of the oven to create steam, which make a crispy crust)