Irish Soda Bread 愛爾蘭梳打麵包
This soda bread is so quick and easy to make, no knead-no fuss. The outside is golden and crispy, inside is tender with unuique flavour. Very tasty and make in no time.
Irish people always eat this traditional soda bread, especially on St.Patrick’s day. This bread use baking soda and buttermilk to make the unique texture. No knead and no proofing needed. Very easy and takes only 45 minutes to make. You can also put raisins in it.
愛爾蘭人必定會吃這個傳統的Irish Soda Bread蘇打麵包。像鄉村麵包,充滿小麥香,質感紮實,口感豐富,有益健康。做法超超超簡單,完全不用搓麵團,不用發酵,用梳打粉及酸奶,令麵包有種特別的味道。只再將材料拌勻至成形,放入焗爐即可,只需45分鐘便做到,你也試試!
In a large bowl, mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl and add cubed butter. Use your fingers to crumble it with flour. Then add in buttermilk and stir it quickly. Gently form a dough, don’t kead it. Form a ball around 20 cm in diameter, press down a little bit.
Place the dough on floured baking sheet, use a sharp knife to make a cross on surface. Bake in preheated oven at 200C for 30 to 35 minutes.

- 250 gram all-purpose flour
- 250 gram wholewheat flour
- 100 gram oatmeal
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 1teaspoon salt
- 25 gram unsalted butter, cubed
- 500 ml buttermilk
- 材料:
- 中筋麵粉 -250克
- 全麥麵粉 -250克
- 燕麥片 -100克
- 梳打粉 -1茶匙
- 鹽 -1茶匙
- 無鹽牛油 -25克
- 酸奶 -500毫升
- Preheat oven at 200C.
- In a large bowl, mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl and add cubed butter. Use your fingers to crumble it with flour.
- Then add in buttermilk and stir it quickly. Gently form a dough, don't kead it.
- Form a ball around 20 cm in diameter, press down a little bit.
- Place the dough on floured baking sheet, use a sharp knife to make a cross on surface.
- Bake in oven for 30 to 35 minutes.
- You can add your own buttermilk by adding 2 tablespoon of lemon juice in milk, mix well and let it set for 10 minutes. Then you can have buttermilk.
- You can also add raisins.
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