Hong Kong-Style Pork Chop Rice 港式焗豬扒飯
Every time when I go back to Hong Kong, I must eat this Baked Pork Chop Rice. This is my all time favourite fast food meal when I was in high school, fried rice, pork chop and topped with melted cheese. They are so delicious and can’t resist it!
But it become so expensive these days and not as good before, so better make it myself. I use a big piece of nice pork chop, lots of vegetables and of course, looooot of cheese! They are so yummy and my super comfort food, hope you all love it as much as I do!


Cut onion, bell pepper and pineapple into small pieces. Mix the sauce ingredients together.
Use the back of the chopper to loosen the pork chop, sesame with salt and pepper. Coated with beaten egg and pan fried until both sides are golden.
Cook the eggs, then add in rice and green peas. Season with salt or chicken powder, then put in the baking dish.
Add some oil in a pan, cook the onion and bell pepper for 3 minutes. Add all the sauce mixture, bring it to boil. Add in pineapple, mix well.
Place the pork chop on top of rice, pour the sauce and top with cheese. Pop in preheated oven at 220C, bake for about 15-20 minutes or until cheese melt. Enjoy!

將炒飯和豬排放在烤盤上, 淋上蕃茄醬汁,再灑上芝士碎,放入已預熱220度C焗爐,焗15至20分鐘,至芝士溶化,金黃酥脆即成!

- 2 pork chops 豬扒
- 2 portions rice 白飯
- 2 eggs 雞蛋
- 1/4 onion 洋蔥
- 1/2 red & green bell pepper 青/紅椒
- 2 slices pineapple 菠蘿
- mozzarella cheese 水牛芝士
- 3 Tbsp tomato paste 番茄膏
- 1 Tbsp sugar 糖
- 1 tsp salt 鹽
- 1 tsp corn starch 粟粉
- 150 ml water 水
- 2 Tbsp Ketchup 茄汁
Cut onion, bell pepper and pineapple into small pieces. Mix the sauce ingredients together.
Use the back of the chopper to loosen the pork chop, sesame with salt and pepper. Coated with beaten egg and pan fried until both sides are golden.
Cook the eggs, then add in rice and green peas. Season with salt or chicken powder, then put in the baking dish.
Add some oil in a pan, cook the onion and bell pepper for 3 minutes. Add all the sauce mixture, bring it to boil. Add in pineapple, mix well.
Place the pork chop on top of rice, pour the sauce and top with cheese. Pop in preheated oven at 220C, bake for about 15-20 minutes or until cheese melt. Enjoy!