Homemade Pizza Dough 自家製比薩

When I was in Hong Kong for holiday, Mr P secretly bought the pizza oven without telling me. He said he got a good deal on Amazon and he started to make his own pizza again. And we don’t have to go out to have pizza anymore!
It is very easy to make pizza dough, very easy to handle, no-fuss recipe. I use half plain flour and half 00 flour. The double zero flour will give a pizza a bit more crispy base and yet chewy with the plain flour. If you do not have double zero flour, you can substitute with bread flour or plain flour.
You can keep and rise the dough in fridge for 8 to 24 hours. When you ready to make your pizza, just take the dough out to rest for 45 minutes, then you are ready to go. Hope you enjoy it!

Mr P在我回香港時,偷偷在網上買了一個Pizza 焗爐,自此他就經常做Pizza。 自己做的麵糰非常簡單,易操作。我們通常做一個Pizza, 剩下的麵團放入雪櫃,隔一兩天再拿出來用,非常方便。
做Pizza的重點是焗爐要夠熱,如果沒有Pizza Oven, 用家用焗爐都可以,將溫度較至最高(220-250C。
自己做Pizza, 美味又健康,大人小朋友都鍾意!!

In a large bowl, mix the plain flour and 00 flour together. Then add in dried yeast and salt, mix well.
Add in water and olive oil, mix together and knead the dough. If the dough is too dry, add more water; if too wet, add some flour. You need to feel the dough yourself.
Divide the dough into 2, put on lined baking tray, cover with cling film and let it rest for 1-3 hours. Or until the dough double its size. (Or you can chill the dough in fridge for 8 to 24 hours)
Then you can flatten and shape the dough, add some tomato sauce, cheese, any ingredients you feel like and make your own pizza! Enjoy!
將麵糰分成兩份,在表面灑上麵粉,蓋上保鮮紙,放在室溫靜置1-3小時(不同溫度需要不同時間),至麵糰脹大一倍,就可以用來做 Pizza

- 170 g Plain flour 中筋麵粉
- 170 g 00 flour 00號麵粉
- 8 g Salt 鹽
- 3 g Instant Dried Yeast 快速乾酵母
- 220 ml Water 水
- 10 ml Olive Oil 橄欖油
In a large bowl, mix the plain flour and 00 flour together. Then add in dried yeast and salt, mix well.
Add in water and olive oil, mix together and knead the dough. If the dough is too dry, add more water; if too wet, add some flour. You need to feel the dough yourself.
Divide the dough into 2, put on lined baking tray, cover with cling film and let it rest for 1-3 hours. Or until the dough double its size. (Or you can chill the dough in fridge for 8 to 24 hours)
Then you can flatten and shape the dough, add some tomato sauce, cheese, any ingredients you feel like and make your own pizza! Enjoy!