Homemade Pasta 手工意粉

CATEGORIES | 27th April 2020 | By

When I lived in Italy, I met an old Italian Mamma. Every time when I went to her home, she must make me a giant plate of homemade pasta. I saw her just kneading the dough, then boom! all different shape of pasta just made by her hands, no machine! I will never forget the taste of the pasta, it is full of passion, love and respect for the food.

This is the recipe that she taught me, well, not really a ”recipe” with specific measurement, but just use your hands to feel it that kind of thing. Only two ingredients: 00 flour and eggs, if you don’t have 00 flour, you can use all-purpose flour instead. Very easy to make and fresh pasta just taste soooooooo goood!



Mix flour and eggs in a bowl, then form a dough.

Place the dough on floured surface, knead the dough until is smooth and elastic. I knead about 120 times, just for your reference.

Wrap the dough with cling film, let it rest for 30 minutes.

Take a small piece of dough, roll into 0.5cm thick. Then fold the dough, sprinkle some flour on top to prevent sticking. Then cut into strips, thickness according to your preference.

Bring a large pot of water to boil, add 2tsp salt, add in pasta. Cook for about 2- 3 minutes until al dente (according to the thickness of the pasta)

*This recipe can make a generous portion for 2 persons. You can keep the pasta in airtight container, store in fridge for 3 to 5 days.

將麵粉和雞蛋放入碗內,拌勻成麵糰。如麵糰太乾,可再打發一個雞蛋,逐少更入蛋液至麵糰成形 (*雞蛋大小不同,如麵糰太濕,就加點麵粉

將麵糰放在灑有麵粉的枱上,用手大力搓,搓至麵糰表面幼滑和有彈性 (*我搓了大約120次,這只作參考)

用保鮮紙將麵糰包好,靜置室溫30分鐘 (*一定要搓到表面滑)

將麵糰分成小份,然後擀薄麵糰,大約0.5cm厚。將麵糰摺幾摺 (*要灑麵粉在麵糰上,麵條才不會黏在一起)然後切成自己喜歡的闊度即可.

煮沸一大煲水,下兩茶匙鹽,然後下麵條,煮兩至三分鐘即成 (要看麵條的厚度,自己試味),再拌醬汁享用!


Homemade Pasta
Prep Time
15 mins
Cook Time
10 mins
Total Time
25 mins
Course: Main Course
Cuisine: Italian
Keyword: pasta
Servings: 2
  • 2 eggs
  • 200 g 00 flour
  1. Mix flour and eggs in a bowl, then form a dough.

  2. Place the dough on floured surface, knead the dough until is smooth and elastic. I knead about 120 times, just for your reference.

  3. Wrap the dough with cling film, let it rest for 30 minutes.

  4. Take a small piece of dough, roll into 0.5cm thick. Then fold the dough, sprinkle some flour on top to prevent sticking. Then cut into strips, thickness according to your preference.

  5. Bring a large pot of water to boil, add 2tsp salt, add in pasta. Cook for about 2- 3 minutes until al dente (according to the thickness of the pasta)

  6. *This recipe can make a generous portion for 2 persons. You can keep the pasta in airtight container, store in fridge for 3 to 5 days.

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Homemade Pasta
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