Homemade Nuts & Fruit Crisps 香脆果仁果乾脆片

We always have different kind of biscuits/ crackers at home to go with cheese. My favourite is the crisps full of nuts and fruit, but they are quite pricey in the store. So I decide to make it myself, they are actually much nastier than the store bought one. And it is super easy to make, you can have it with cheese or just have it as biscuits. I hope you like it too!

家裡長期有各式各樣的餅乾來配芝士吃。。。超愛有果仁果乾的小餅乾,但價錢不便宜,而且份量非常少,幾分鐘就會吃完 。

昨天自己做了,加了榛子、胡桃、紅莓乾、葡萄乾、南瓜籽。。。餅乾超級香脆,份量十足,超 !級! 好!吃!!完全不用牛油或菜油..健康美味,停不了口!

First, to make your own butter milk, simply add lemon juice into milk, mix well then leave it for 15 minutes.

In a large bowl, mix flour, salt, sugar and baking soda together. Then add butter milk and maple syrup, mix well.

Add in dried fruit, nuts and pumpkin seed, mix well.

Divide the batter into 2 lined baking tins, pop in preheated oven at 170C, bake for about 30-35 minutes.

Let it cool completely, then wrap with cling film and freeze for at least 3 hours.

Then use a sharp knife to cut into thin slices. Place it on parchment paper, put in preheated oven at 150C, for 15 minutes, then flip it to other side and bake for 6 more minutes or until crispy.




將一半的麵糊倒入鋪有烘焙紙的烤模內 (或一次過用兩個模具同時烤),放入已預熱170度C焗爐,焗約30至35分鐘,或至全熟,待涼




Prep Time
20 mins
Cook Time
1 hr
  • 250 ml Milk 牛奶
  • 20 ml Lemon Juice 檸檬汁
  • 120 g Plain Flour 中筋麵粉
  • 120 g Wholewheat Flour 全麥麵粉
  • 40 g Brownie Sugar/ White Sugar 黑糖/白糖
  • 5 g Baking Soda 梳打粉
  • 3 g Salt 鹽
  • 30 ml Honey/ Maple Syrup 蜜糖/楓糖漿
  • 150 g Nuts 果仁
  • 40 g Pumpkin Seed 南瓜籽
  • 160 g Dried Fruit 果乾
  1. First, to make your own butter milk, simply add lemon juice into milk, mix well then leave it for 15 minutes.

  2. In a large bowl, mix flour, salt, sugar and baking soda together. Then add butter milk and maple syrup, mix well.

  3. Add in dried fruit, nuts and pumpkin seed, mix well.

  4. Divide the batter into 2 lined baking tins, pop in preheated oven at 170C, bake for about 30-35 minutes.

  5. Let it cool completely, then wrap with cling film and freeze for at least 3 hours.

  6. Then use a sharp knife to cut into thin slices. Place it on parchment paper, put in preheated oven at 150C, for 15 minutes, then flip it to other side and bake for 6 more minutes or until crispy.

  7. *My loaf tin is 21X11cm

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