Homemade Beef Balls 手工牛丸
I always have my beef balls, fish balls all kind of ”not healthy food” supplied from Hong Kong. ( My friend brought it for me from Hong Kong) But during the lockdown, my supply is stop and I honestly do not like those ”balls” that I found in Asian supermarket here. So I decide to make it myself!
I can’t believe that it is so easy to make and it taste so good! They are fresh and you know you getting the nice beef and the seasoning you like. It turns out the beef balls are the healthy food and it is just so delicious. So far I been making twice a month and really happy with it.


Put all the ingredients and seasoning in food processor, blend for about a minute. You can also do it by hand, mix it from same direction until it form the sticky texture.
Use your hand to squeeze a desire portion of meat, make it round like a ball. Use a spoon to scoop it out . * Dip the spoon in water every time before scooping the meat, it can prevent sticking
Place the beef ball into a pot of warm water (around 70C) *Do not put in boiling water, or it won’t hold the shape. The beef balls will turn darker colour.
When all the beef balls turn dark colour, bring the pot to boil, and cook the beef balls for one minute. Then it is done! Enjoy!
*This recipe can make about 20 pieces

將所有材料放入攪拌機內,打約一分鐘. 或可用手,將牛肉向同一方向攪拌至有黏性
用手擠出一份牛肉球, 用湯匙輔助 (*湯匙每次用前都要濕水,那肉丸就不會黏著湯匙)
然後將牛肉丸放入熱水 (70度C), 離火(*不要放入沸水內,否則不能成形),牛肉丸會漸變深色

- 500 g minced beef
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp white pepper
- 3 g baking powder
- 2 tsp cornstarch
- 40 ml cold water
Put all the ingredients and seasoning in food processor, blend for about a minute. You can also do it by hand, mix it from same direction until it form the sticky texture.
Use your hand to squeeze a desire portion of meat, make it round like a ball. Use a spoon to scoop it out . * Dip the spoon in water every time before scooping the meat, it can prevent sticking
Place the beef ball into a pot of warm water (around 70C) *Do not put in boiling water, or it won’t hold the shape. The beef balls will turn darker colour.
When all the beef balls turn dark colour, bring the pot to boil, and cook the beef balls for one minute. Then it is done! Enjoy!
*This recipe can make about 20 pieces