Healthy Overnight Oats (3 Flavours) 健康減肥隔夜燕麥 (3款口味)
After sharing all those baking and frying recipes, I would like to share some healthy one for us to have a more balance diet. In general, we eat very healthy in our household, overnights oats is one of my favourite things to make for breakfast.
It is super easy to make, super healthy and takes no time at all. Make it a night before and in the morning, you can enjoy a bowl of filling and healthy breakfast. Of course, you can be creative, these are the three favours that I like. Enjoy!

在外國非常流行的健康隔夜燕麥Overnight Oats,將燕麥片與牛奶、乳酪拌勻,放入雪櫃一整晚,早上起來就有營養豐富又好味的燕麥粥。燕麥營養價值高,加入奇亞籽、亞麻籽等,就更健康。很多人減肥都會吃這個,不用煮,簡單快捷,飽足又健康!
我非常超歡做隔夜燕麥給Mr P做早餐,忙碌的早上,拿著一罐隔夜燕麥就去上班,超方便!之前跟大家分享過原味做法,這次就分享三款口味(巧克力+花生醬果醬+蘋果派味),快試試!

Add oatmeal, chia seed in a mason jar, add in honey, milk and yogurt, mix well. Chill in fridge overnight. Done!
For chocolate flavour : add one tablespoon cocoa powder in the jar, mix well. Chill in fridge overnight , add slices banana and chocolate chips before serve, enjoy!
For Peanut butter & Jam flavour: Add a tablespoon peanut butter in a jar, mix well. Chill in fridge overnight, add more peanut butter and jam before serve.
For Apple Pie flavour: Add one teaspoon ground cinnamon in a jar, mix well. Chill in fridge overnight. Cut the apple into small pieces, add butter in hot pan, add in apples, some sugar (if desire), ground cinnamon. Cook until apples are soften. Place it on top of the oats, enjoy!

將燕麥、奇亞籽放入玻璃罐內,再加入蜂蜜、牛奶和乳酪拌勻,放入雪櫃一整夜就完成 (這次原味的食譜)
巧克力味: 再加一湯匙可可粉,拌勻 ,放入雪櫃一整夜,享用前再加上巧克力碎和香蕉即成!
花生醬果醬味: 加一湯匙花生醬,拌勻,放入雪櫃一整夜 。享用前再加點花生醬和果醬即成!
蘋果派味:加一茶匙肉桂粉,拌勻,放入雪櫃一整夜 。享用前,將蘋果切小塊,熱鑊下牛油,用中火煮蘋果,加少許糖(可省略)和肉桂粉,煮至蘋果軟身即成!

- 45 g oatmeal
- 2 tbsp yogurt
- 1 tbsp chia seed
- 90 ml milk
- 1 tbsp cocoa powder
- 1 banana
- 1 apple
- ground cinnamon
- 1 tbsp jam
- 1 tbsp peanut butter
Add oatmeal, chia seed in a mason jar, add in honey, milk and yogurt, mix well. Chill in fridge overnight. Done!
For chocolate flavour : add one tablespoon cocoa powder in the jar, mix well. Chill in fridge overnight , add slices banana and chocolate chips before serve, enjoy!
For Peanut butter & Jam flavour: Add a tablespoon peanut butter in a jar, mix well. Chill in fridge overnight, add more peanut butter and jam before serve.
For Apple Pie flavour: Add one teaspoon ground cinnamon in a jar, mix well. Chill in fridge overnight. Cut the apple into small pieces, add butter in hot pan, add in apples, some sugar (if desire), ground cinnamon. Cook until apples are soften. Place it on top of the oats, enjoy!
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