Healthy Hummus 健康鷹嘴豆泥
Healthy, creamy and delicious hummus, always the best appetiser and party food. Quick dip in 5 minutes, so much better than the store-bought one!
Since we moved to Middle East, every time we have middle eastern food, hummus is always there. In supermarket Deli counter, hummus is there too. Everyone love it! Simply use bread or all kind of vegetable to dip in, healthy and perfect snack!
這個可說是我在中東看到/吃到最多的中東料理- 鷹嘴豆泥Hummus。這個是前菜,中東人會用中東麵包/薄餅或蔬菜沾醬享用。鷹嘴豆營養豐富,只需將鷹嘴豆放入攪拌機內攪拌,就成美味沾醬~
Soak chickpeas over night, then cook until soften. Or you can use the tined one like I did, so much easier.
Put chickpeas and water into blender, blend until smooth. Then add all other ingredients and blend well.

- 200gram chickpeas
- 1 glove garlic
- 1 tablespoon Tahini (sesame paste)
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice
- 3 tablespoons water
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 材料:
- 鷹嘴豆 200克
- 蒜頭 1瓣
- 白芝麻醬 1湯匙
- 檸檬汁 2湯匙
- 水 3湯匙
- 橄欖油 2湯匙
- Soak chickpeas over night, then cook until soften. Or you can use the tined one like I did, so much easier.
- Put chickpeas and water into blender, blend until smooth. Then add all other ingredients and blend well.