Healthy Guacamole 健康墨西哥牛油果沙律
Summer is here, it is too hot to cook and too hot to eat hot food, so salad is the answer for lunch, dinner and snack! HAHAHA just try to be healthy as well.
Guacamole is the best salad/ dip that you can prepare in 5 minutes. Simple ingredients with some lime juice, very refreshing. Perfect snack for party!
Mashed the guacamole with a fork, drizzle some lime juice, set aside.
Finely chopped the onion and soak in water for 10 minutes.
Mix guacamole, onion, coriander and tomato together, drizzle more lime juice and this is done!
再配墨西哥玉米餅tortilla chips享用!

- 2 guacamole
- 1 tomato, chopped
- 1-2 tablespoons onion, chopped
- 1 chilli, optional
- lime juice
- coriander
- 材料:
- 牛油果 2個
- 蕃茄 1個
- 洋蔥(切碎) 1-2湯匙
- 青/紅辣椒(可省略) 1隻
- 青檸汁 適量
- 芫茜 少許
- Mashed the guacamole with a fork, drizzle some lime juice, set aside.
- Finely chopped the onion and soak in water for 10 minutes.
- Mix guacamole, onion, coriander and tomato together, drizzle more lime juice and this is done!
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