Healthy Banana Walnut Muffins 健康香蕉合桃鬆餅(馬芬)
It is back-to-school time, muffins are one of the best breakfast or school snacks choice for kids. They are easy to make, store well, super yummy and very healthy too.
This is my favourite muffin at the moment, no butter, less sugar, and using coconut oil and honey give the muffins extra favour. Love it!

又到開學的季節,就來介紹非常受歡迎的早餐之選 -馬芬。簡單易做,變化多多。之前做了不同口味,但這個是我近來最愛。

In a large bowl, mix together wholewheat flour, plain flour, cinnamon, baking powder and sugar.
Then add in honey, egg and coconut oil, mix well.
Add in mashed banana and walnuts, mix until well combined.
Divided the batter into lined baking tin, pop in preheated oven at 180C for about 20 minutes or until fully cooked. Enjoy!
*This recipe can make about 6-8 muffins.

- 100 g Wholewheat flour 全麥麵粉
- 80 g Plain flour 中筋麵粉
- 1 tsp Baking powder 泡打粉
- 1 tsp Ground Cinnamon 肉桂粉
- 1 Egg 雞蛋
- 2-3 Banana 香蕉
- 50-60 g Sugar 糖
- 100 ml Coconut Oil or vegetable oil 椰子油/菜油
- 70 ml Honey or Maple Syrup 蜜糖/楓糖漿
- 60 g Chopped Walnuts 合桃碎
In a large bowl, mix together wholewheat flour, plain flour, cinnamon, baking powder and sugar.
Then add in honey, egg and coconut oil, mix well.
Add in mashed banana and walnuts, mix until well combined.
Divided the batter into lined baking tin, pop in preheated oven at 180C for about 20 minutes or until fully cooked. Enjoy!