Fried Fish Fillet with Sweetcorn Sauce 粟米魚柳
Classic Hong Kong- style fried fish fillet with sweetcorn sauce, very crispy fried fish with sweet sauce. Simple, homey, delicious, perfect to serve with plain rice.
This is one of my very favourite classic Hong Kong-style dish!!! Come on, very crispy fried fish filled, dip or soak with sweetcorn sauce…it is just perfect combination!!!
Of course, you can have it in Chinese restaurants, but it is so easy to cook at home and your family will love it. You can use any fish you like, I usually use the frozen fish fillet, it will do fine.
The trick is to ‘double-fry” the fish so it get super crispy. And for the sauce, well, a tin cream corn will do the job. Mind you, you have to cook more rice to go with it, cause everyone will love it!
Cut the fish fillet into small pieces, dry it with kitchen towel. Then marinate the fish with some salt, white pepper and egg, let it set for 15 minutes.
可用新鮮或急凍的魚柳, 切成小塊,用廚紙吸乾水份。然後用醃料醃魚塊15分鐘。將魚塊沾上生粉或粟粉,拍去多餘的粉。
Coat the fillet with corn starch evenly. Heat oil in a wok (about 170C) then fry the fillet for about 4 minutes until golden. Then place on a plate and let it cool for 5 minutes.
一鍋熱油(約170度),放下魚塊,炸約4分鐘,然後撈起,待涼5分鐘 *油必定要夠熱,否則魚塊會很油膩。將爐火溫度調高(至大火),將魚塊再放入油鍋,炸一分鐘 *這可以逼出魚塊內的水份,令魚更酥脆。
Then turn the heat to high, fry the fillet for the second time, for about a minutes. Then cool on wire rack.
For the sweetcorn sauce, simply put the cream corn with half tin of water in a pan. Bring it to boil, then season with salt and pepper. Add lightly beaten egg into the sauce, use chopsticks to stir it. If you want thicker sauce, add some corn starch and mix well.
You can pour the sauce on the fish fillet, or dip it with the sauce.

- 400 gram fish fillet
- 1 tin cream corn
- 1 egg
- 1 teapsoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon white pepper
- 1 egg
- *corn starch for coating
- 材料:
- 急凍魚柳 -400克
- 粟米蓉 -1罐
- 雞蛋 -1隻
- 醃料:
- 鹽 -1茶匙
- 白胡椒粉 -1/4茶匙
- 雞蛋 -1隻
- *生粉/粟粉
- Cut the fish fillet into small pieces, dry it with kitchen towel. Then marinate the fish with some salt, white pepper and egg, let it set for 15 minutes.
- Coat the fillet with corn starch evenly. Heat oil in a wok (about 170C) then fry the fillet for about 4 minutes until golden. Then place on a plate and let it cool for 5 minutes.
- Then turn the heat to high, fry the fillet for the second time, for about a minutes. Then cool on wire rack.
- For the sweetcorn sauce, simply put the cream corn with half tin of water in a pan. Bring it to boil, then season with salt and pepper. Add lightly beaten egg into the sauce, use chopsticks to stir it. If you want thicker sauce, add some corn starch and mix well.
- You can pour the sauce on the fish fillet, or dip it with the sauce.
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