Enoki Mushroom Pork Rolls 金菇豬肉卷
This is the dish you can find in Japanese barbeque stalls. Enoki mushrooms wrap with thin silce of beef, or you can use pork. Very delicious with the Teriyaki sauce, great snack with beer or with rice.
This is very easy to make dish, it takes only 20 minutes and you will have a lot of rolls. This time I mix my own sauce as my Teriyaki sauce just finished. Actually I prefer the one I mix, as it is less salty and less sweet. The enoki mushrooms a bit chewy and the pork absorb the sauce, it is so delicious! You can also use other vegetable like carrot, asparagus or cucumber, just julienne it and wrap it.
This is absolutely foolproof recipe, you may even imperss your guess. Let’s try and hope you like it as much as I do.
在日式燒烤店會吃到的小食 – 金菇肥牛卷,今次用到豬肉片,包著金菇,簡單將豬肉卷煎熟,再淋上醬汁,超美味!這個可以說是最簡單又有深思的菜式,料理新手必學的菜式,20 分鐘做好!今次因家裡沒有照燒汁,就自己調個醬汁,比照燒汁淡味一點,不太鹹不太甜,超美味!簡單菜式,炒碟菜,又成美味的一餐,大人小朋友都會鍾意!
Put a slice of pork on a board, then add in small bunch of enoki muhsrooms. Roll it tightly and use some corn starch mix with water, to stick the end. Pan fry it on medium heat for two minutes, then turn it over and cook until fully cooked.
For the sauce, mix all the ingredients in a pan, bring it to boil. You can add a bit more cornstarch to thicken the sauce. Pour the sauce on top of the pork rolls. Done!

- 250 gram pork, thinly sliced
- 2 packs enoki mushrooms
- 材料:
- 豬肉片 -250克
- 金菇 -2包
- 1 tablespoon oyster sauce
- 1/2 tablespoon soy sauce
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 1 teaspoon cornstarch
- 200 ml water
- 調味料:
- 蠔油 -1湯匙
- 生抽 - 1/2湯匙
- 糖 -1茶匙
- 粟粉 -1茶匙
- 水-200毫升
- Place the pork slice on aboard, add in small bunch of enoki mushrooms. Roll it and use some cornstarch water to stick the end.
- Pan fry the pork roll for 2 minutes on medium heat, then turn it over, cook until the meat is fully cooked.
- For the sauce, mix all the seasoning ingredients together and cook in pan, bring it to boil. You can add some more cornstarch to thicken the sauce.
- Pour the sauce on top of the pork rolls.

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