Enoki Mushroom Pancakes 金菇菜煎餅
I looooove Enoki mushrooms so much! They look so adorable and taste delicious! I always make enoki beef rolls, kimchi tofu pot or just stir-fry it. Very healthy and yummy!
This time I make vegetable pancakes with enoki mushrooms, you can add any vegetables you like, simply mix everything together and pan-fry it. Simple but super super delicious! perfect to serve with rice (lunch box meal), or snack! Enjoy!
我和Mr P 都非常喜歡金菇菜,每次都叫朋友從香港帶來給我。做金菇肥牛卷、泡菜豆腐鍋或清炒,超好味!非常簡單的料理,卻超好味又健康!這次做金菇菜煎餅,將金菇菜和其他蔬菜拌勻,再煎成金黃香脆,美味可口!
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, you can chop the enoki mushrooms into small pieces. Season with 1 teaspoon of salt, some black pepper and sesame oil, mix well.
Add oil in hot pan, add about 2 tablespoons of mixture into the pan, cook until both sides are golden. Done!

- 200 g enoki mushrooms
- 2 eggs
- 30 g all-purpose flour
- 1/2 carrot, thinly sliced
- 2 spring onions
- 200 克 金菇菜
- 2 隻 雞蛋
- 30 克 中筋麵粉
- 1/2 條 紅蘿蔔(切幼絲)
- 2 氣 青蔥
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, you can chop the enoki mushrooms into small pieces. Season with 1 teaspoon of salt, some black pepper and sesame oil, mix well.
Add oil in hot pan, add about 2 tablespoons of mixture into the pan, cook until both sides are golden. Done!
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