English Pancakes 英式鬆餅 (可麗餅)

Classic English Pancake, similar to French crepe, fluffy and delicious. Simply drizzle lemon juice on top and sprinkle with sugar, perfect pancakes for everyone.

British are very excited about the pancake day (aka Shrove Tuesday), everyone will make their pancakes, more importantly, to flip it. British pancakes are different from the American one, more like French crepe. You don’t need to add any baking powder, just make the thin and fluffy pancake. 

It might sounds weird that pancake without cream or fruit or chocolate sauce, but lemon juice and sugar can do the job very well.

英國每年都會有一個Pancake Day, 英國人都會做自己的鬆餅。這個英式鬆餅跟可麗餅crepe非常相似,英國人會在鬆餅上淋上檸檬汁,然後灑上砂糖享用。怪怪的,但很美味!

當然也可配水果,雪糕,忌廉享用! 超簡單易做,家裡可能已有材料,10分鐘就做到!

In a large bowl, mix flour and salt together, then add in eggs and whisk well. Gradually add in milk and 2 tablespoons of melted butter, mix until well combined.

Add little bit butter in hot pan, add about 2 tablespoons batter in a pan evenly. Cook at medium heat until the edge is dry, then turn it over to cook until golden.

Simply drizzle with lemon juice and sprinkle with sugar. Enjoy!

先將麵粉及鹽拌勻,在中間打兩隻蛋拌勻。 逐少加入牛奶拌勻,最後下兩湯匙溶化牛油,拌勻成稀的粉漿。


* 這個食譜可做約8塊鬆餅

English Pancakes
Yields 8
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Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
10 min
Total Time
15 min
Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
10 min
Total Time
15 min
  1. 110 gram plain flour
  2. 1/4 teaspoon salt
  3. 2 eggs
  4. 200 ml milk
  5. 30 gram butter, melted
  6. 材料:
  7. 中筋麵粉 110克
  8. 鹽 1/4茶匙
  9. 雞蛋 2隻
  10. 牛奶 200毫升
  11. 溶化牛油 30克
  1. In a large bowl, mix flour and salt together, then add in eggs and whisk well. Gradually add in milk and 2 tablespoons of melted butter, mix until well combined.
  2. Add little bit butter in hot pan, add about 2 tablespoons batter in a pan evenly. Cook at medium heat until the edge is dry, then turn it over to cook until golden.
  3. Simply drizzle with lemon juice and sprinkle with sugar. Enjoy!
Mrs P's Kitchen https://www.mrspskitchen.net/
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English Pancakes
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