Easy Raisin Oatmeal Cookies 葡萄燕麥餅乾
Raisin Oatmeal cookies – classic cookies at all time. For me, everything add in some oatmeal is healthier and give me more reasons (or excuses) to eat more 😉
I love these raisin oatmeal cookies, chewy and full of flavour. It is very easy to make, and I love to add some cranberries in it too! Make more and you can keep in air-tight container, it will last for 2 weeks. (but only if you can keep it this long time!) Enjoy!
這個是非常簡單易做的餅乾食譜!除予牛油外,加入燕麥片,口感更豐富,感覺健康一點 ,又可多吃一點!;)
Mix the dry ingredients together : oatmeal, flour, raisins, baking soda and salt.
Cream the butter with sugar, until light and fluffy. Add in egg, mix well. Then add in dry ingredients, mix until well-combined.
Take out about a tablespoon batter, roll it and press it. Place on lined baking sheet.
Pop in preheated oven at 180C, bake for 12-15 minutes. Let it cool on baking sheet for 15 minutes. Enjoy!
用電動打蛋器打發牛油至軟身,乳霜狀,下糖拌勻. 下蛋,拌勻,再下步驟一的乾材料,徹底拌勻
用湯匙挖出麵團,放在烘焙紙上,輕輕壓一壓 (*要隔有空間,因餅乾會發大)
入已預熱180度C焗爐, 焗約12至15分鐘即成,焗好後,讓餅乾在烤盤上待涼十分鐘。

- 70 g oatmeal
- 65 g all-purpose flour
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp baking soda
- 60 g raisin
- 35 g unsalted butter
- 60 g brown sugar
- 1 egg
- 70 克 燕麥片
- 65 克 中筋麵粉
- 1/4 茶匙 鹽
- 1/4 茶匙 梳打粉
- 60 克 葡萄乾
- 35 克 無鹽牛油
- 60 克 紅糖
- 1 隻 雞蛋
Mix the dry ingredients together : oatmeal, flour, raisins, baking soda and salt.
Cream the butter with sugar, until light and fluffy. Add in egg, mix well. Then add in dry ingredients, mix until well-combined.
Take out about a tablespoon batter, roll it and press it. Place on lined baking sheet.
Pop in preheated oven at 180C, bake for 12-15 minutes. Let it cool on baking sheet for 15 minutes. Enjoy!
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