Easy No-Knead Bread 免揉白麵包
Super easy and simple no-knead bread, nothing fussy but just mix all the ingredients then put the dough in the fridge to proof. Rustic bread with crispy crust and soft bread.
Nothing better than homemade, freshly baked bread. If you don’t have bread machine or you don’t like (or lazy) to knead the dough, here is the recipe for you.
This recipe is sooooo great that what you have to do is just mix all the ingredients together, then proof the dough in fridge. After at least 24 hours, or you can store it for 7 days, to bake the bread. The outcome will surprise you! Seriously, homemade bread is healthier and fresher, and it is effortless!
Put the flour, yeast and salt in a large bowl, don’t put the yeast directly next/upon to the salt. Salt will kill the yeast! Then mix it well.
Slowly add in water, mix well and form a dough. You may not need to add all the water, if the dough is too dry, add more water; if too wet, add more flour.
After mixing it as a dough, cover with cling film, let it rest in room temperature for 2 hours. Then chill in a fridge for at least 24 hours, or max. to 7 days.
Take the dough out and put on floured surface, press the dough and release the air. Then form the shape of your bread (you can divide the dough into 2 as smaller bread) Place the dough on lined baking sheet, sprinkle some flour on top, then cover with cling film and rest for an hour.
Use a sharp knife to slash the surface of the dough. Then pop in preheated oven at 225C, bake for about 35-40 mins. You can also put a tray of water at the lower tray of the oven, which can give your bread a crispy crust.
將麵粉,鹽和酵母放在大碗內 (不要把鹽和酵母直接放在一起,可在碗的一邊放鹽,另一邊放酵母),然後拌勻。逐少加入水,拌勻成麵糰 (未必需要下全部的水,成麵糰便可)。
將麵糰放在大碗內,用保鮮紙包好,放在室溫靜置2個小時,再放入雪櫃最少24個小時 (最多可放7天)拿出麵糰,表面會有氣泡。
將麵糰放在灑有麵粉的枱上,用手按壓麵糰,排出空氣,將麵糰做成圓形或長形,在上面灑少許麵粉 (可將麵糰分成兩份)。將麵糰放在鋪有烘焙紙的烤盤上,蓋上毛巾,放在室溫靜置一個小時。然後用鋒利的刀在麵糰表面劃數下。
在焗爐底部放ㄧ盤水 (這可令麵包表面更香脆),將麵糰放入已預熱225度焗爐,焗約30 -35分鐘至外表金黃色即成~

- 450 gram bread flour
- 10 gram salt
- 7 gram dried yeast
- 340 ml water
- 材料:
- 高筋麵粉 450克
- 鹽 10克
- 乾酵母 7克
- 水 340毫升
- Put the flour, yeast and salt in a large bowl, don't put the yeast directly next/upon to the salt. Salt will kill the yeast! Then mix it well.
- Slowly add in water, mix well and form a dough. You may not need to add all the water, if the dough is too dry, add more water; if too wet, add more flour.
- After mixing it as a dough, cover with cling film, let it rest in room temperature for 2 hours. Then chill in a fridge for at least 24 hours, or max. to 7 days.
- Take the dough out and put on floured surface, press the dough and release the air. Then form the shape of your bread (you can divide the dough into 2 as smaller bread) Place the dough on lined baking sheet, sprinkle some flour on top, then cover with cling film and rest for an hour.
- Use a sharp knife to slash the surface of the dough. Then pop in preheated oven at 225C, bake for about 35-40 mins. You can also put a tray of water at the lower tray of the oven, which can give your bread a crispy crust.
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