Cold Shredded Chicken 涼拌手撕雞
This cold shredded chicken is a must-make dish in summer. They are so easy to make, use whatever amount of seasoning you like. I like to add some cucumber and cold noodles to serve with it. Perfect and super simple meal in summer!
And…it is also so much cheaper to make it by yourself than order in restaurant. (Mr P always order this dish whenever he see it, and it is not cheap and the portion is very small) Try and hope you love it too!

這個是我家夏日必做的涼拌菜式 – 涼拌手撕雞。每次去餐廳,如果有這道菜,Mr P必定要點。但通常又貴份量又少,所以我經常都會做,讓他吃到夠。

Steam the chicken until cooked, then put in cold water, drain well and shred it by hands.
Mix all the seasoning together, then mix with chicken, add some coriander if you like. Chill in fridge for at least 30 minutes. Enjoy!
將所有醬汁材料拌勻, 將雞肉、芫茜和醬汁拌勻,放入雪櫃30分鐘即可享用

- 300 chicken 雞肉
- coriander 芫茜
- 1 tbsp minced garlic 蒜蓉
- 1/2 tbsp minced ginger 薑蓉
- 1 tsp sugar 糖
- 2 tbsp soy sauce 生抽
- 1 tbsp sesame oil 芝麻油
- 3 tbsp Chinese vinegar 鎮江醋
- chilli oil, to taste 辣椒油
Steam the chicken until cooked, then put in cold water, drain well and shred it by hands.
Mix all the seasoning together, then mix with chicken, add some coriander if you like. Chill in fridge for at least 30 minutes. Enjoy!
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