Classic Scottish Shortbread 蘇格蘭牛油酥餅
Classic Scottish shortbread, the melt-in-your-mouth, heavenly like shortbread, seriously, how can it be so delicious! This buttery shortbread, yes, it is full of butter, that makes it so yummy. You only need 3 ingredients to make it, sugar, butter and flour, and the ratio is 1:2:3, very easy that you don’t need to write down the recipe!
Do not try to reduce any ingredients, it is what it is and it HAS to be this much sugar and butter. I swap some of the plain flour to cornstarch, which helps to ”soften” the biscuits, give the shortbread even more ”short” texture. Of course you can keep it to only use plain flour.

這個源自蘇格蘭的牛油酥餅(shortbread), 在蘇格蘭、英國隨處可見。淡黃色的餅乾,充滿著超香濃的牛油味,入口即溶,令人停不了口。
簡單的三種材料就做到 : 糖,牛油,中筋麵粉,而比例是1:2:3,非常簡單!我就將部份中筋麵粉用了生粉Cornstarch 代替,生粉有令餅乾更”軟化”的作用。當然也可全部用中筋麵粉。配杯熱茶,就成超美味的下午茶點!

Mix flour, cornstarch and sugar together, then add in butter (cold butter) *If you use unsalted butter, add 1/8 teaspoon of salt, if use salted butter, then you don’t need to add salt)
Use your hands crumble the butter and mix with flour, try to form a dough.
Place it into a lined baking tray, press it hard. Use a knife to divide the biscuits into long pieces. Do not cut to the bottom. Prick with a toothpick. Then pop in preheated oven at 160C, bake for about 40-45 minutes, or until the surface is slightly golden.
Let the biscuits cool down, then cut into pieces. Enjoy!
* I use 7 x 7 inch tray, can make about 10 pieces

在大碗內將麵粉、生粉和糖拌勻,然後加入切成小塊的牛油 (如用無鹽牛油,就加1/8茶匙鹽,如用有鹽牛油就不用加)
將麵糰放入鋪有烘焙紙的烤盤上,平均鋪好、壓實. 然後用刀將麵糰劃成長形(切深一點,但不要切到底部),再用牙纖插孔。放入已預熱160度C焗爐,焗約40-45分鐘,或至表面微微的金黃色
*我用的烤盤是7X7 吋,做10塊餅乾
*材料的比例是糖:牛油: 麵粉 (1:2:3)

- 90 g sugar
- 180 g butter
- 200 g all-purpose flour
- 70 g cornstarch
Mix flour, cornstarch and sugar together, then add in butter (cold butter) *If you use unsalted butter, add 1/8 teaspoon of salt, if use salted butter, then you don’t need to add salt)
Use your hands crumble the butter and mix with flour, try to form a dough.
Place it into a lined baking tray, press it hard. Use a knife to divide the biscuits into long pieces. Do not cut to the bottom. Prick with a toothpick. Then pop in preheated oven at 160C, bake for about 40-45 minutes, or until the surface is slightly golden.
Let the biscuits cool down, then cut into pieces. Enjoy!
* I use 7 x 7 inch tray, can make about 10 pieces
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