Chocolate Chip Cookies 美式朱古力曲奇

This is the best chocolate chip cookies recipe EVER!!! Very soft and chewy, chocolatey and heavenly delicious! Super easy to make and perfect for any occasion… I mean every day! 😉

Chocolate Chip Cookies

I loooooove this recipe so much, trust me, you will love it too! Add some oat in the cookies makes a world of difference. The most important thing is, do not over mix the dough or you will get a cakey dough. Don’t forget that you can freeze the dough and you will have fresh cookies at home whenever you like! 

Chocolate Chip Cookies

美式朱古力燕麥曲奇chocolate chips cookies,外脆內軟,香濃的朱古力加上燕麥片,令餅乾更有口感,超好味~ 


Chocolate Chip Cookies

Blend the oat into fine pieces, then mix with  flour and baking soda together. Cream the butter and sugar until creamy, then add in egg and mix well. 

Sift in the dry ingredients, mix until well-combined. Add in chocolate chips and mix well. 

Scoop a dough out and place on baking sheet. Chill in fridge for 1-2 hours. 

Pop in preheated oven at 180C, bake for about 13-14 minutes. Let the cookies cook on the baking sheet.

* You can freeze the cookie dough in the freezer. 2016-12-28_14-16-50

先將燕麥片放入攪拌機內打至幼細,然後與麵粉和梳打粉baking soda拌勻,備用。

用電動打蛋器打發牛油和紅糖 (也可用白砂糖代替),然後下雞蛋拌勻,再加入步驟一的材料,拌勻 (拌勻便可,不要過份攪拌),最後加入朱古力碎拌勻。



*這個食譜可做約12塊曲奇Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate Chip Cookies
Yields 12
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Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
15 min
Total Time
30 min
Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
15 min
Total Time
30 min
  1. 120 gram unsalted butter
  2. 70 gram brown sugar
  3. 1 egg
  4. 4 gram baking soda
  5. 130 gram plain flour
  6. 25 gram oat
  7. 160 gram chocolate chips
  8. 材料:
  9. 無鹽牛油 120克
  10. 紅糖 70克
  11. 雞蛋 1隻
  12. 梳打粉 4克
  13. 中筋麵粉 130克
  14. 燕麥片 25克
  15. 朱古力碎 160克
  1. Blend the oat into fine pieces, then mix with flour and baking soda together. Cream the butter and sugar until creamy, then add in egg and mix well.
  2. Sift in the dry ingredients, mix until well-combined. Add in chocolate chips and mix well.
  3. Scoop a dough out and place on baking sheet. Chill in fridge for 1-2 hours.
  4. Pop in preheated oven at 180C, bake for about 13-14 minutes. Let the cookies cook on the baking sheet.
  5. * You can freeze the cookie dough in the freezer.
Mrs P's Kitchen


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Chocolate Chip Cookies
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