Chinese White Sugar Sponge Cake 懷舊白糖糕
Anyone like this white sugar sponge cake? I remember when I was kid, I always bought it in a small shop or in Chinese restaurants. They are soft, sweet, very simple sponge cake but just so delicious.
Now it is very rare to see a place sell it, it is better to make it at home and renew the childhood memories.


Activate the yeast with mixing 40ml water, let it rest for 15 minutes. Mix 150ml water with rice flour until smooth.
In another bowl, mix 150 ml boiling water with sugar. Then add the syrup into the flour mixture, let it cool completely. Add the yeast, mix well. (You must let the mixture cool down, or it will kill the yeast)
Cover the bowl with plastic wrap, let it rest in room temperature for 1 to 2 hours. The mixture supposed to have many bubbles in it, which mean is ready.
Brush little oil in a plate, pour the mixture in and steam it under high heat for 20-25 minutes.
再將另外的150毫升沸水與糖拌勻。將糖水加入再來米粉漿內拌勻,待粉漿完全冷卻後,加入酵母拌勻 (*必定要待粉漿冷卻後才下酵母,否則酵母會死掉)
用保鮮紙封口,放在室溫發酵一至兩小時,發酵後會有很多泡沫在表面 (*如天氣寒冷,要多發酵一至兩小時)在蒸盤上塗一層薄薄的油,用篩過濾粉漿,用大火蒸約20至25分鐘即成!

- 5 g instant dried yeast
- 40 ml water
- 150 g rice flour
- 100 g sugar
- 300 ml water
Activate the yeast with mixing 40ml water, let it rest for 15 minutes. Mix 150ml water with rice flour until smooth.
In another bowl, mix 150 ml boiling water with sugar. Then add the syrup into the flour mixture, let it cool completely. Add the yeast, mix well. (You must let the mixture cool down, or it will kill the yeast)
Cover the bowl with plastic wrap, let it rest in room temperature for 1 to 2 hours. The mixture supposed to have many bubbles in it, which mean is ready.
Brush little oil in a plate, pour the mixture in and steam it under high heat for 20-25 minutes.
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