Chinese Pork Jerky 蜜汁豬肉乾
Homemade Chinese pork jerky with honey- glazed, soft, tender, juicy with sweet and savoury flavour. Homemade verison is very easy to make, without any preservatives, coloring and less sodium. A lot healthier and super finger-licking food!
Does anyone also find the store-bought pork jerky become more and more expensive? The taste is not as good as before, very salty! So I decide to make it at home, it turned out….so D E L I C I O U S!
I cannot believe it is THAT easy to make jerky at home! What you need is marinated ground meat, then roll it into thin slices and bake it. The meat is tender, little bit crispy with honey-glazed. You can also make other flavour, like this time, I add slightly more black pepper.
Please try and you will love it, promise!
Marinate the grounded pork, use chopsticks to mix the grounded meat with all the seasoning for few minutes. Put it in fridge for at least 3 hours, overnight even better.
Mix the water and honey , set aside. Divide the meat into 3 portions, put the meat on the parchment paper,
Use foil wrap the baking sheet first, then put parchment paper on top. Divide the pork into 3 portions, put one portion into a plastic bag, then roll it into thin slice (thickness according to your desire). Use scissor to cut both sides of the bag, then tear it, place the pork on the parchment paper. Place a cling film on top and roll into thin piece.
Take out the cling film and place the meat onto the baking sheet. Pop in preheated oven at 160C, bake for 15 minutes. After that, pour the juice if there is any, then brush the honey on the meat. Flip it over and bake it for further 15 minutes.
Brush the honey on top and place the meat at the highest rack of the oven, bake for few more minutes or until both sides are solid and brown.
Let it cool then cut into small pieces. Enjoy!
拿開保鮮紙,再將肉片放在烤盤上,放入已預熱160度C焗爐,焗15分鐘。15分鐘後,肉會有水流出,將水倒去。 在豬肉表面塗一層蜜汁 (蜂蜜+水拌勻),然後將肉反轉,再放入焗爐焗15分鐘。
豬肉乾會收縮,在上面塗一層蜜汁 ,再放入焗爐最上層,近發熱線,再焗數分鐘,反轉另一面又烤數分鐘至肉片結實及顏色變深即成!(豬肉會縮小一半)

- 450 g minced pork
- 2 tbsp honey
- 1 tsp hot water
- 2 tbsp soy sauce
- 1 tbsp fish sauce
- 1 tbsp Shaoxing Wine
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 1/2 tsp five spices powder
- white pepper
- black pepper
- 450 克 免治豬肉
- 2 湯匙 蜜糖
- 1 茶匙 熱水
- 2 湯匙 生抽
- 1 湯匙 魚露
- 1 湯匙 糖
- 1/2 茶匙 五香粉
- 1 湯匙 玫瑰露/紹興酒
- 白胡椒粉
- 黑胡椒粉
Marinate the grounded pork, use chopsticks to mix the grounded meat with all the seasoning for few minutes. Put it in fridge for at least 3 hours, overnight even better.
Mix the water and honey , set aside. Divide the meat into 3 portions, put the meat on the parchment paper,
Divide the pork into 3 portions, put one portion into a plastic bag, then roll it into thin slice (thickness according to your desire). Use scissor to cut both sides of the bag, then tear it, place the pork on the parchment paper. Place a cling film on top and roll into thin piece
Take out the cling film and place the meat onto the baking sheet. Pop in preheated oven at 160C, bake for 15 minutes. After that, pour the juice if there is any, then brush the honey on the meat. Flip it over and bake it for further 15 minutes.
Brush the honey on top and place the meat at the highest rack of the oven, bake for few more minutes or until both sides are solid and brown.
Let it cool then cut into small pieces. Enjoy!
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